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词汇 上学时
例句 I remember having some pretty awful teachers when I was at school.我记得上学时有几个教师很蹩脚。He did well at school.上学时成绩很好。When he was at school he detested football.上学时讨厌足球。While I struggled, my sister coasted through school with top grades.上学时我总觉得很吃力,而我妹妹却一路学得轻轻松松,成绩一直很优异。I always felt a bit of a failure at school.上学时总觉得自己有点儿失败。My favourite subject at school was cookery.上学时最喜欢烹饪课。Your mother was a bit of a red-hot radical in her student days.你妈妈上学时算是个比较狂热的激进分子。When Jim first started school, he didn't do well, but he's forged ahead in the past couple of months.吉姆刚上学时,成绩不好,但是他在过去几个月内已迎头赶上了。I just couldn't get my head round geometry at school.上学时,我就是没法理解几何学。My favourite subjects at school were history and English.上学时我最喜欢的科目是历史和地理。When you went to school were you a day student or did you board?上学时是走读还是住校?Tony hated science when he was at school because he wasn't any good at it.托尼上学时讨厌自然科学,因为他学得很不好。The friendship that they formed in school lasted a lifetime.他们上学时建立起来的友谊持续了一生。At school he was thought to have an attitude problem.上学时他被认为态度有问题。At school I was fairly skinny and undersized.上学时我相当瘦小。She was wooed by many boys when she was in school.上学时有许多男生追求她。As a student, he took an evening job to keep the wolf from the door.上学时兼做一份夜间工作,勉强维持生计。He got his nickname when he was at school and it stuck for the rest of his life.上学时的外号伴随了他一生。I took up smoking when I was at school.上学时开始抽烟。I was denied the opportunity of learning French at school.上学时没有机会学习法语。I was a dead loss at languages at school.上学时对各种语言课程总是一筹莫展。She joined a book club to get a little human contact while the kids were in school.她加入了一个书友会,这样在孩子们上学时她可以有些人际交往。My father can still recite the poems he learned by heart at school.我父亲仍能背诵出他上学时背下来的诗。She was always very hard-working at school.上学时一直很用功。I was lousy at biology in school.上学时我的生物成绩糟透了。Do you keep in touch with any school friends?你和上学时的朋友还有联系吗?Science was never my strong point at school.上学时理科从来不是我的强项。Take it from me, you'll regret it if you waste your time at school.相信我,上学时虚度光阴你会后悔的。When she was at school she was good at art.上学时很擅长艺术。I always ducked out of history lessons at school.上学时总是逃避上历史课。He came to school improperly dressed.他来上学时穿着很不得体。As it later transpired, she had known him at school.后来得知她上学时就认识他。See if you can guess which one is me in my old school photo.看看你能否看出上学时的老照片中哪个是我。English was my favourite subject at school.上学时最喜欢的学科是英语。I was never one of the in-crowd at school.上学时从来没有参加过小圈子。I bet you were good at games when you were at school.我敢说你上学时体育一定很棒。She met him when she was at drama school.她在戏剧学校上学时认识了他。She had once posed for life classes when she was an art student.她在艺校上学时曾当过人体写生课模特。She had been a rebel at school.上学时就是个叛逆者。In school, he was not one of the achievers.上学时他不属于拔尖的那类。




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