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词汇 bore
例句 Emma bore a son called Karl.埃玛生了个儿子叫卡尔。Hugo bore his illness with great courage and good humour.雨果以巨大的勇气和良好的精神状态面对疾病。At parties she always gets stuck with some bore who wants to tell her the story of his life.在聚会上她总是被某个讨厌的家伙缠住,要把自己平生之事告诉她。The land bore due east of the ship.陆地位于船的正东方。She bore three children in three years.她三年里生了三个孩子。The lecture was a total bore.这场讲座无聊透顶。They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen.他们将那个长方形硬木箱子运进厨房。He bore an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.他的长相与柯克·道格拉斯惊人地相似。Cities on the coast felt/bore the brunt of the storm.沿岸城市感受到/经受了风暴的冲击。He was just doing his job, and I bore him no malice.他只是在做他的工作,我不怨他。The presentation ceremony was rather a bore.这个赠送仪式相当无聊。The picture bore the impress of the painter.这幅画显示了画家的风格。The searchlight bore on the enemy plane.探照灯对准了敌机。All the goods bore the manufacturer's stamp.所有的货物都盖有制造厂商的印记。The post office is shut, which is an infernal bore.邮局关门了,真是可恶。His style is so pedestrian that the book becomes a real bore.他的文风十分平庸,那本书乏味至极。The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。Eventually her efforts bore fruit and she got the job she wanted.最终她的努力有了结果,她得到了想要的工作。He bore the brand of a coward.他背上了懦夫的污名。The demonstrators bore banners and sang songs.示威者手持横幅,高声歌唱。He bore a vague resemblance to the famous actor. 他看起来有点像那个著名演员。He bore me no malice.他对我没有恶意。He bore an air of authority.他显出一副权威的样子。On display were boxing gloves that bore Rocky Marciano's signature.展品中有洛基·马西亚诺签过名的拳击手套。I was astonished when I read the press release, which bore no relation to what I had told them.我读到新闻稿的时候大为震惊,其内容与我告诉他们的毫不相同。The ground still bore the imprints of their feet.地面上仍然留有他们的脚印。Our tour prices bore little resemblance to those in the holiday brochures.我们的旅游报价和那些度假手册里的价格相去甚远。The letter bore a postmark of March 8, 1983.这封信盖有一九八三年三月八日的邮戳。The engineer's job was to bore deep concrete-lined wells.这位工程师的工作是开凿用混凝土衬砌的深井。He bore his misfortunes bravely.他勇敢地忍受所遭的灾难。His chin bore a thick growth of stubble.他的下巴上布满了浓密的胡茬。He might be a bore, but he was as quick-witted as a weasel.他也许是个很无聊的人,可是却像黄鼠狼一样机灵。They bore their plight with stoicism and fortitude.他们以坚忍刚毅的精神直面困境。She bore no ill will. If people didn't like her, too bad.她没有恶意。如果人们不喜欢她,那就太糟糕了。Half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.六个男人进了酒吧,气势汹汹地冲向吧台。His determined efforts at last bore down all opposition.他的毅力终于击垮了所有的反对力量。A Londoner born and bred, she suspected that a month in the country would bore her to distraction.作为一个土生土长的伦敦人,她不相信在乡下呆一个月就会令她心烦意乱。The cavalry bore down on the enemy's left flank.骑兵队向敌人的左翼进逼。She bore her illness with rare courage.她以非凡的勇气忍受着病痛。He bore up well against all these misfortunes.面对不幸他毫不气馁。




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