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词汇 border on
例句 The play's dialog borders on the ridiculous.这部剧的对话近乎荒谬。His determination to have my company bordered on violence.他硬要我陪着他,差不多要动武了。His rigid translation of this literary work borders on literalness.他对这部文学作品的生硬翻译近乎刻板。Their respect for him bordered on reverence.他们对他的尊重已近于崇敬了。The area borders on the Yorkshire Dales.这个地区与约克郡山谷相邻。Her grief borders on madness.她悲伤得几乎要发疯了。This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness.这种对待金钱的过分谨慎的态度有时几近于吝啬。Both republics border on the Black Sea.两个共和国都临近黑海。His suggestion borders on the ridiculous.他的建议近乎荒谬。His dislike of women bordered on the psychotic.他对妇女的厌恶已经接近了精神病的边缘。His remarks bordered on rudeness.他的言词简直是无礼。His confidence bordered on arrogance.他的自信近乎自负。China borders on the Pacific Ocean.中国与太平洋毗连。China borders on North Korea in the east.中国在东部和朝鲜接壤。The pushing and grabbing at yesterday's sales bordered on mass hysteria.昨天特卖会上那种推推挤挤的场面就像是人人都近乎歇斯底里。The atmosphere borders on the surreal.这种氛围如同梦幻。Their CEO has an arrogance that borders on megalomania.他们的首席执行官非常傲慢,近乎狂妄自大。Myanmar borders on India.缅甸与印度接壤。The area my ancestors come from borders on the Atacama Desert.我的祖先来自毗连阿塔卡马沙漠的地区。She possesses a self-confidence that borders on arrogance.她的自信接近于自大。The plot often borders on farce.情节常常近乎荒诞。The atmosphere borders on the surreal.这种氛围近似梦幻。This kind of risk borders on insanity.这种冒险接近疯狂。Some of his statements are so incorrect that they border on fraudulence.他的某些说法非常不正确以致近乎欺诈。He displays a fearlessness that borders on the mentally insane.他表现出一种近乎疯狂的无所畏惧。Her passion for cleanliness borders on paranoia.她的洁癖近乎偏执。Some of these criticisms border on the absurd.这些批评中有的近于荒谬。




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