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He is allowed to have three cigarettes each day.只准他每天抽三支烟。The concert began with three short pieces by the Brazilian composer Villa-Lobos.这场音乐会以巴西作曲家维拉-罗勃斯的三支短曲开始。Three police forces have joined together to buy a helicopter.三支警察部队共同出资购买了一架直升机。Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.我有三条静脉出现了堵塞,需要做个三支搭桥手术。At the end of the season, the three teams at the bottom go down.赛季结束时,有三支球队降级。Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.瓦莱丽入选了三支校队:排球、篮球和曲棍球队。The doctor prescribed three injections.医生开了三支注射液的处方。 |