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He is a man with seemingly not an ounce of malice in him.他这个人好像没有丁点儿的坏心眼。I haven't heard a dickybird from him all morning.整个上午,我没有他的丁点儿消息。I'll be working long hours for slave wages!为那丁点儿血汗钱我得当牛做马好几个小时!She will have a tantrum at the least provocation.她会为了丁点儿小事而大发脾气。Any little excitement is a sauce to the monotony of her quiet life.任何一丁点儿的刺激都会给她那单调平静的生活增添乐趣。The children seemed tiny beside him.小孩子在他身边显得只有丁点儿大。 |