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For a while she dozed fitfully.有一阵子,她时睡时醒。The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment.咖啡烫得几乎咽不下去,呛了他好一阵子。For a while they tried using price restrictions as a way of controlling inflation.有一阵子他们试着限制价格以控制通货膨胀。This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。I took a look round. Where've you been?我刚才四下找了一阵子,你上哪儿去了?For a moment, she felt a pang of guilt about the way she was treating him.有一阵子,她为自己那样对他感到内疚。We'll let them sweat a while longer.我们要让他们再紧张一阵子。They managed to keep the school's problems quiet for a while.他们设法把学校的问题保密了一阵子。We've got a busy period coming up in a couple of weeks.两三周以后我们将大忙一阵子。The doctor told Jimmy to stay off the booze for a while.医生叫吉米戒一阵子酒。Keith hasn't written for a while.基思有一阵子没写信了。After my wife had the twins, we were struggling financially for a while.妻子生下双胞胎后,我们的生活拮据了一阵子。She tends to be dilatory about answering letters.她往往会拖一阵子才回信。We talked on the telephone for quite a while.我们在电话里谈了好一阵子。The cough has been nagging me for some time.咳嗽已使我烦恼了一阵子了。He ought to be put away for a very long time.他应该被好好关上一阵子。Nobody should be surprised by this. It's been in the works for some time.不应该有人对此感到惊奇,这事已经张罗了有一阵子了。She attended school regularly for a while, then started to miss classes again.有一阵子她按时上学,然后又开始逃课了。She puzzled over his behavior for a moment.有一阵子她为他的行为大伤脑筋。He remained silent for some time.他沉默了好一阵子。She was involved with the Student Union as Treasurer.她曾在学生会干过一阵子财务。We'll let them sweat it out for a while longer.我们要让他们再紧张一阵子。By the end of the movie, we'd all had a good cry. 电影结束时,我们都哭了好一阵子。Victoria looked disconcerted for a moment.维多利亚有一阵子显得很不安。I was behind him for a while, but I have caught up with him.有一阵子我落在他后面,但现在已赶上他。They decided to play her along for a time, hopplaying to obtain her services for lower pay.他们决定拖她一阵子,指望她会同意以较低工资来服务。We had an anxious few moments while the results were coming through.等待结果出来时我们担心了一阵子。No one plays that game any more; it was only a fad.没有人再玩那种游戏了, 它只流行了一阵子。Don't tell him straight away – let him sweat for a while.不要马上告诉他,让他着急一阵子。That news should keep the rumor mill churning/running/going for a while!那条新闻应该够那帮散布谣言的人忙活一阵子的了!So you guys were in Brazil for a while, huh?这么说你们几个在巴西逗留了一阵子?There would be a hurt in her heart for a while, but in the end she would get over it.她内心会难过一阵子,但最终她会挺过来的。That flu really KO'd me for a while.流感着实把我打到了一阵子。I just wandered around for a while.我只是四处游荡了一阵子。For one anxious moment, I thought the rope was going to break.有一阵子我非常担心,以为那根绳就要断了。We finally got a sunny day after the long raining spell.过了长长一阵子雨天之后,终于有了放晴的一天。He should be sent to prison for a very long time.他应该被送进监狱关上很长一阵子。There was a time when tequila was a cheap product drunk only by the lower classes.过去有一阵子,龙舌兰酒只是下层阶级的人喝的东西。Jacqueline is not relishing the prospect of another spell in prison.杰奎琳可不想再蹲一阵子监狱。After a while her old bad habits began to assert themselves.过了一阵子,她那些旧有的坏习惯又开始发作了。 |