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词汇 一队
例句 The rebels quickly raised an army.叛乱分子很快就召集了一队人马。She arrived with a party of helpers.她和一队帮手赶到了。I don't know which side I want to win.我也不知道自己希望哪一队赢。The people formed a queue at the ticket window.人们在售票窗口前排成了一队Palmer is very much the man in charge of the team.帕尔默实际上就是一队之长。We line up while platoon sergeants and the company's first sergeant confer at the head of the formation.我们列成一队,副排长和军士长在队前交谈。A team of police officers did a fingertip search of the area.一队警员对该地区进行了地毯式搜索。In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels.在过去,这往往由一队驮载行李的骆驼完成。Teams of men and horses transported mail across the country.以前靠一队队人马在全国运送邮件。They travelled in a fleet of monstrous vehicles.他们开着一队大型汽车旅行。A heavily armed guard of police have sealed off the city centre.一队全副武装的警察已经封锁了市中心。The processions wound themselves about the town in circles.一队队的行列在市内绕着圈行进。His second disappointment came last year when he failed to get selected for the first team.未能入选一队是去年第二件令他失望的事情。A troop of tanks crashed through the railings.一队坦克哗啦啦地冲过围栏。Children clutching empty bowls formed a line.紧紧抓着空碗的孩子们排成了一队The lifeboat service is run by a team of dedicated volunteers.救生艇服务由一队敬业的志愿者营办。Please form an orderly queue.请排成整齐的一队The column of French soldiers passed us on their way to the battlefront.一队法军士兵从我们身旁经过,开赴前线。A team of magicians conjure away your cares, performing nightly miracles of illusion and magic.一队魔术师用魔术为你驱除烦恼,每晚表演幻觉与魔术的奇迹。The fumble allowed the other team to make a goal.处理不当使另外一队进了一球。There was a line of people waiting at the checkout counter.收款台前有一队等候结账的人。We were forced to stand/wait in a queue.我们被迫站成一队/排队等候。We were the least successful team in the competition.我们是比赛中成绩最差的一队A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway.一队拖拉机隆隆地缓慢驶上高速公路。A party of Japanese businessmen will be visiting the factory next week.一队日本商人将于下周来工厂访问。I'm playing for the first team this week.这个星期我在一队打比赛。The World Cup kicks off tomorrow. Which team are you rooting for?世界杯足球赛明天开打。你为那一队加油? A picked body of men were sent to close up the rear of the retreating troops.一队经挑选的精兵被派去为撤退的部队断后。The bomb went off as a police patrol went by.一队巡警经过时,炸弹爆炸了。Word went out that a column of tanks was on its way.有消息说一队坦克已经出动了。Columns of men and women were making their way towards the central square.一队队的男男女女正走向中央广场。By this time there was a queue of impatient customers waiting to be served.这时,已经有一队很不耐烦的顾客在等着有人去招呼他们。A team of army doctors were tending the wounded.一队军医在照看伤员。A group of the world's best waterskiers will be going through their paces.一队世界上最优秀的滑水运动员将一展身手。A second player was sent off, from the other team this time, which did even things up a bit.第二个球员被罚出场,这次是另一队的,这样确实使场上局面显得更公平了些。A fleet of police cars arrived and dozens of officers piled out.一队警车来了,数十名警官从车里冲出来。He risked a cautious glance over the wall, and saw a group of guards standing by the gate.他冒险从墙头小心翼翼地看出去,看到大门旁有一队卫兵站着。We tore the other team apart in yesterday's game.在昨天的比赛中,我们轻而易举地把另一队打败了。He fronted a formidable band of fighters.他率领着一队令人敬畏的士兵。A file of geese perked down the roadway.一队鹅挺着脖子在大道上走着。




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