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词汇 一通
例句 He flew into a temper.他大发了一通脾气。She drank deeply from the stream.她猛喝了一通溪水。His comments brought down a firestorm of criticism.他的评论引来了一通狂轰滥炸般的批评。She was very sharp with me when I talked during her lecture.我在她的课堂上讲话,她狠狠地训了我一通He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!他滔滔不绝地胡乱吹嘘了一通,人们竟然蠢得相信了他!That's a load of baloney.那是一通胡说八道。During the fight with a rival gang he lashed out with his flick knife.在与敌对帮派的打斗中,他挥舞着弹簧折刀一通猛刺。He growled some unintelligible words at Pete.他朝皮特吼了一通莫名其妙的话。Frampton struck out blindly, hitting not Waddington, but an elderly man.弗兰普顿乱打一通,没有打到沃丁顿却打到了一位老人。The teacher jumped on us for being late.我们迟到了,老师狠批了我们一通She sat down and had a weep. 她坐下来哭了一通He had gone on a drinking spree with friends.他去和朋友们畅饮狂欢了一通He wished that he could tell his boss off.他很想把老板大骂一通He delivered a long harangue about the evils of popular culture.他发表了一通长篇大论,谴责流行文化的种种罪恶。He launched an immoderate tirade on Turner.他发表了一通长篇演说,对特纳进行大肆抨击。The politician's promise turned out to be sheer hogwash.那政客的许诺到头来只不过是一通胡扯。Unblock the pipe to let the dirty water run through.把堵塞的管子通一通,让污水流过去。After pigging herself on ice cream she went upstairs.大吃特吃了一通冰激凌之后她上了楼。I phoned up Mum for a gossip.我给妈妈打电话闲聊了一通He damned them for their stupidity.他对他们的愚蠢狠批一通Harry wondered if Potts had deliberately sent him on a wild goose chase.哈里疑心波茨故意让他白费力气地瞎找一通She told me/invented/concocted a tale about missing the bus to explain her lateness.为了解释迟到的原因,她向我讲了/编造了一通没赶上公共汽车的鬼话。He came down on me like a ton of bricks.他狠狠地批评了我一通She indulged in a fit of temper.她任性地发了一通脾气。We had a good bitch about Steve while he was out.史蒂夫不在的时候我们说了他一通坏话。She has a haemorrhage every time I'm late.我每次迟到她总要大大发作一通All that digging made me really stiff.一通挖掘让我浑身酸痛。We gave our daughter a good/stern talking-to about her poor grades.女儿成绩很差,我们严厉地说了她一通He walked out after a blazing row with his wife.他和妻子大吵一通后走了出去。I had a massive argument with Sue, but at least it has cleared the air.我和苏大吵了一通,不过这至少消除了误解。He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me.他转过身来冲我劈头盖脸地骂了一通About two o'clock, we were aroused from our sleep by a knocking at the door.大约两点时,我们被一通敲门声唤醒。He had a set of prepared remarks.他说了一通事先准备好的话。All that digging has given me an appetite.一通挖掘后我有了食欲。He fumbled around in the cupboard, desperately searching for his tablets.他在柜子里乱摸一通,急着找他的药片。I binged on pizzas or milkshakes.我猛吃了一通比萨或奶昔。Local sports radio callers were tearing the team to pieces.听众纷纷打电话给当地体育电台,把球队大骂一通They conducted a public slanging match.他们在公开场合对骂了一通When he spotted my mistake he came down on me like a ton of bricks.他发现我犯的错误后把我狠狠训了一通We laughed at their puny attempt to trick us.他们妄图耍弄我们,遭到我们一通嘲笑。




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