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例句 He would like you to make that trip.他希望你走一趟Mick wants to see you in his office.米克想让你去他办公室一趟I'll call round in the morning.我早晨会顺便去一趟If you miss this train you can always catch the next one.如果误了这趟火车,总还可以赶下一趟I felt like I was going on an adventure.我觉得自己好像正踏上一趟冒险旅程。What time does the last train to Bath go?去巴斯的最后一趟火车什么时侯开?Tours start on the half hour. 观光游览每个半点开始一趟This is the last night bus/train.这是最后一趟夜间公共汽车/火车。I'm sorry you've had a wasted trip. Mr. Newton isn't here.对不起,让你白跑了一趟,牛顿先生不在这里。I wouldn't like to be tied to catching the last train home.我不想非得赶最后一趟列车回家。Check that you have everything before you leave. It will save your having to go back again.离开前检查一下随身物品,以免再跑回来一趟I emptied my bank account and shot the works on a trip to Mauritius.我取光了我的银行帐户上的钱,放手到毛里求斯旅游一趟Our young mother sent the children off with their aunt and took the next train east.我们这位年轻的母亲安排孩子们去他们姨妈家,接着搭上了下一趟东去的火车。This could be not just the trip of a lifetime but the experience of a lifetime.这可能不仅是一趟终生难遇的旅行,也将是一次终生难遇的体验。I'm sorry, you've had a wasted trip. Mr Newton isn't here at the moment.对不起,你白跑了一趟,牛顿先生这会儿不在。We got the next available flight.我们搭乘了下一趟航班。The upside of the whole thing is that we got a free trip to Jamaica.整个事情的好处是我们免费去了一趟牙买加。They were about to set off on a long journey.他们要出一趟远门。I made a quick trip to the supermarket. 我匆匆去了一趟超市。Whip round to your aunt's and tell her you're back.快去你姨妈家一趟,告诉她你回来了。Planning a trip at that time is going to be problematic.当时要计划一趟旅行很成问题。Delayed flights have a ripple effect. Just one late flight could be carrying passengers for a dozen connecting services.航班晚点会引发连锁反应。仅仅一趟晚点的航班就可能运载着许多需要转机的乘客。Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future.在把钱全砸到一趟海上豪华游之前,多少考虑一下日后怎么办。I had hoped there would be another train, but I was out of luck.我原本想着还能有一趟火车,但我不太走运。I went home every other week.我隔周回一趟家。He's just whipped round to the grocer's.他刚去了食品杂货店一趟You can go out to a movie and come home to find that the house has been stripped.你去了一趟电影院,回来就会发现家里已空无一物。Since money was tight, we settled for a short trip to the south.既然钱紧了一点,我们退而求其次,来一趟短期的南部之旅。We took a no-frills tour to England.我们有一趟很实惠的英国之旅。He bought a return ticket and boarded the next train for home.他买了往返票,并登上了下一趟回家的火车。There's a half-hourly train service to London from here.从这里到伦敦半小时就有一趟火车。She travelled at her own expense to the Soviet Union.她自费去苏联旅行了一趟Sally popped in the other evening.萨莉那天晚上来了一趟I proposed that myself should go instead of the manager.我建议由我代替经理去走一趟I took the kids to the zoo for a special treat.我特意带孩子们去动物园好好玩儿了一趟Should I nip out and get some groceries?.要我赶紧出去一趟买些食品吗?It's a stopping train, not an express.这是一趟停车列车,不是快车。On the train up to Waterloo, I felt like I was going on an adventure.坐在开往滑铁卢的火车上,我觉得自己好像正踏上一趟冒险旅程。The library was closed when I got there, so it was a wasted journey.我到达的时候图书馆已经关门了,白跑了一趟He wasn't in when I got there, so it was a completely wasted journey.我到那里时他却不在,所以完全是白跑了一趟




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