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词汇 一起唱
例句 At the fraternity initiations he joined his brethren in song.在兄弟会的入会仪式上,他和其他成员一起唱歌。We played and sang together.我们一起演奏,一起唱Everyone joined in with the singing.大家都跟着一起唱起来。Jess was singing along to the radio.杰斯在跟着收音机一起唱Read the on-screen lyrics and sing along.跟着屏幕上的歌词一起唱He joined his brethren in song.他和众弟兄一起唱了起来。Please will you all join with me in singing the national anthem.请大家和我一起唱国歌。He sang with the school's glee club.他和学校的合唱团一起唱歌。Philip sang the first verse and then everyone joined in.菲利普唱了第一节,然后大家就一起唱了起来。I'd love to sing along, only I don't know the words.我愿意一起唱,但是我不知道歌词。We did a bunch of songs together.我们一起唱了很多首歌。Sing along if you know the words.如果知道歌词就跟着一起唱The singer started alone but soon the whole audience joined in.歌手起初一个人唱,但很快全体观众都跟着一起唱起来。He started to sing and I joined in.他开始唱起歌来,我也跟他一起唱




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