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例句 There followed a series of tightly circumscribed visits to military installations.随之而来的是对参观军事设施的一系列严格限制。Dr Lee set up a series of experiments to test out this hypothesis.李博士设计了一系列实验来验证这个假设。Police scientists are carrying out tests on the murder victim's clothes.警方的科学家正在对凶杀案受害者的衣服进行一系列检验。The strike is the latest in a series by public employees in protest at worsening economic conditions and government austerity measures.这是公务员发起的一系列罢工中的最新一次,以抗议日趋恶化的经济状况和政府的紧缩措施。The company is running a series of advertisements in national newspapers.公司正在全国性报纸上刊登一系列广告。He was put through a series of tests to discover what was wrong with him.他进行了一系列检查,想要知道自己得了什么病。Computer systems throughout the country are being affected by a series of mysterious rogue programs, known as viruses.全国的计算机系统都感染了一系列诡异的流氓程序,即病毒。Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city.市内发生一系列杀人和性侵案件,警方已经逮捕一名犯罪嫌疑人。The conference ended after a series of rancorous disputes.大会在一系列剑拔弩张的争论后宣告结束。I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures and tutorials.我通过一系列传统的讲座和指导教授心理学。The city had been carefully planned and was laid out in a series of concentric rings.这座城市经过了精心规划,布置成了一系列同心环的格局。Bank staff are to stage a series of lightning strikes in a dispute over staffing.因职级纠纷,银行职员即将举行一系列闪电式罢工。The area got a bad name after a series of nasty murders.这个地区因一系列恶性谋杀案而留下恶名。The exhibition includes a series of studies by Picasso for his painting Guernica.展览中包括毕加索为了创作《格尔尼卡》而作的一系列试画。The quartet will be performing in a series of lunchtime concerts.四重奏乐队将在一系列午餐音乐会上演奏。They linked up with a series of anti-apartheid groups.他们与一系列反种族隔离组织取得了联系。They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups.他们加入了一系列当地的反核和反种族隔离团体。The Government's political enemies were quick to pick up on this series of disasters.政府的政敌迅速借这一系列灾难向其发难。The May protest climaxed a series of demonstrations in the nation's capital.五月份的抗议行动是国家首都的一系列示威活动的高潮。The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems.政府为一系列复杂的经济问题所困扰。We will begin a series of presentations to help the public fully understand our system.我们将进行一系列的说明,帮助大众充分了解我们的制度。A flurry of substitutions then followed the sending-off.罚人下场之后进行了一系列人员调整。Though small, this restaurant offers a range of fish dishes unequalled anywhere else in London.这家饭店尽管很小,但它做的一系列鱼类菜肴却是伦敦其他饭店都比不了的。The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai.法国人在从敦克尔刻到杜埃的英吉利海峡沿岸修筑了一系列要塞。A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.将对这个国家实行一系列的经济制裁。The college provides training in a wide range of occupations.学院提供一系列范围广泛的职业培训。A whole series of problems have arisen one after another.一系列的问题接连出现了。The Health Authority has provided a series of information leaflets in Punjabi.卫生局提供了一系列旁遮普语的信息宣传单。The cluster bomb has a high kill probability against a range of small hard and soft targets.集束炸弹对一系列软硬小目标有很高的杀伤率。They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.他们最近进行了一系列的试验来检测这种药的功效。His reputation for carelessness was established long before the latest problems arose.在最近的一系列问题出现之前,他粗心大意的问题已经是众人皆知的了。The agreement was reached after a series of difficult negotiations.该协议是在经历了一系列艰难的谈判之后达成的。We offer our guests a wide range of outdoor/sporting activities.我们为客人们提供一系列广泛的户外娱乐/体育活动项目。The store have introduced a new range of food for children.商店推出了一系列新的儿童食品。He suffered a series of tragedies that nearly drove him to madness.他遭受的一系列悲剧几乎令他精神崩溃。This is just the latest in a long line of problems.这只是一系列问题中最新的一个。We have made the nation smile with a series of wacky stunts.我们用一系列搞怪特技表演使全国人民喜笑颜开。Customs officials have made a series of contradictory statements about the equipment.海关官员们对这种设备作出了一系列互相矛盾的陈述。As an account customer, you are automatically entitled to a variety of benefits.作为立有存款账户的客户,您自然可以享受一系列的优惠。She is full of praise for the range of excellent services available.她对提供的一系列优质服务赞不绝口。




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