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例句 I had a little flutter on the Grand National and won £5.我在全国越野障碍赛马上下了一笔小赌注,赢了五英镑。His father hewed a fortune from the railroads.他父亲在铁路上大赚了一笔Many a person straining under the burden of high interest rates in order to provide a shelter is being ripped off.许多为了供房而承受着高利率的压力的人都被狠狠敲了一笔Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者们准备通过抛售来大捞一笔She secured the zoo's future with a handsome bequest.她留下一笔可观的遗产,使动物园的未来有了保障。She received a generous pension.她领取了一笔可观的退休金。There is a clause in the contract requiring a fee to be paid if the holiday is cancelled.合同中有一项条款规定:如果取消度假必须付一笔费用。The company made a lump-sum settlement with workers.公司发给工人一笔一次性的安置费。They built up a nest egg for their son's college education.他们为儿子上大学攒了一笔积蓄。They set up a business with the help of a bank loan.他们用一笔银行贷款开了家公司。The government has reprieved the company with a huge loan.政府用一笔巨额贷款暂救公司燃眉之急。We did an electronic funds transfer. 我们做了一笔网上电子银行转账。The merchant overreached me in a business deal.那个商人在一笔生意上诈骗我。She has a pension, and receives a small amount from her ex-husband.她有一笔退休金,还有一小笔前夫给的钱。After graduation he was awarded a scholarship to do research.他毕业后获得了一笔科研奖学金。He went out to Canada and made a fortune.他出国去加拿大,发了一笔财。He financed with the aid of a loan from his bank.他在其往来银行的一笔贷款帮助下从事金融活动。A third car was a needless expense.买第三辆汽车是一笔不必要的开支。He was paid a sum of money as a compensation for his loss in the fire.他得到一笔火灾损失的赔偿费。They receive extra money over and above the usual welfare payments.除了通常的福利费以外,他们还收到一笔额外的补助。We were paid a set amount each week.我们每周领取一笔固定的工资。The church here was left a bequest to hire doctors who would work amongst the poor.这个教堂接收到一笔遗产,可以用来聘请医生为穷人治病。A hundred dollars was a great deal of money in those days.一百美元在当时是一笔大数目。A French company has reportedly cut a deal to produce software for government agencies.据报道一家法国公司成交了一笔生意,为政府机构生产软件。Record every expenditure you make.记下你的每一笔花销。He was offered a generous pension provided he left without a fuss.他如果一声不吭地离开,就会获得一笔丰厚的养老金。He's stitched up a major deal with one of the European banks.他与一家欧洲银行做成了一笔大买卖。It's the real deal, not another bit of chicanery.这可是一笔真正的买卖,没再有什么欺诈。She offered to settle a legacy on Katharine.她提出要把一笔遗产留给凯瑟琳。The car's reliability alone makes it a sound investment.单单这轿车的可靠性就能使它成为一笔很好的投资。The companies combined to negotiate a loan.那几家公司联合起来商谈一笔贷款。The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost.记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。The oil company has just succeeded in closing a deal for the land.石油公司刚刚完成了一笔土地交易。He knows you're getting a bum deal.他知道你在做一笔烂生意。They received a grant to equip a new dental clinic.他们获得了一笔拨款为新开的牙科诊所购置设备。We can make a profit on home sales alone.单是国内销售便能让我们赚上一笔They need an ungodly amount of money to complete the project.他们需要一笔数目惊人的资金来完成这个项目。They'd got a special grant to encourage research.他们得到一笔用以鼓励科研的特别经费。They have just put through a business deal.他们刚刚达成一笔生意。He was forced to pay a hefty fine.他被迫支付一笔巨额罚款。




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