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例句 They had a brief flirtation.他们有过一段草草的恋情。The paragraph overflowed the page.一段文字占满了一整页。Dad taught us a Sanskrit prayer, and we had to learn it off by heart and say it every day.爸爸教了我们一段梵文的祷告词,我们必须背下来,每天做祷告都说。She felt trapped in an empty marriage.她觉得自己陷进了一段有名无实的婚姻中。It is a long walk to school from here.从这儿到学校要走一段很长的路。The skirt is held up by a length of elastic around the waist.裙子用一段松紧带缚在腰上。This is some of the most exposed coastline in the world.这里的海岸线属于世界上最无遮蔽的一段了。On the bus I heard this interesting snippet of conversation.在公共汽车上我听到了这么一段有趣的谈话。The noise went on for a considerable length of time.那噪音持续了一段相当长的时间。It was the beginning of a long friendship.从此开始了一段漫长的友谊。It all brought back memories of a not very edifying past.所有这些都让人回想起一段并不那么愉快的过去。Don't try to rush things in a new relationship.刚刚建立一段新的关系时不能仓促行事。They will be interviewed again after an appropriate time interval has elapsed.等上一段适当的时间,他们将会再次接受采访。A quick divorce can be succeeded by a much longer period of haggling over the fate of the family.闪电式离婚后可能紧接着就是一段更漫长的针对家人命运的争论。Video clips from a security camera showed the men breaking into the store.安保摄像机拍摄的一段监控录像中显示那帮人非法闯入了商店。Working abroad should be an exciting and positive experience for all concerned.在海外工作对所有相关人员来说都应该是一段让人兴奋而愉快的经历。What do you think the writer is saying in this passage?你认为作者在这一段里想说明什么?We are witnessing a piece of history in the making.我们正在目睹一段历史的创造。He uttered a short prayer.他说了一段简短的祷词。He has had a long military career.他度过了一段漫长的军旅生涯。I bought a skirt-length of tweed.我买了一段够做一条裙子的花呢料。We had a glorious time in the south of France last summer.去年夏天我们在法国南部度过了一段非常愉快的日子。I'd obviously interrupted a man-to-man talk.很显然,我打断了一段坦率的谈话。He cut off a piece of wood.他砍下来一段木头。We had a splendid time in Nice.我们在尼斯度过了一段非常愉快的时光。My favourite bit is when they try to escape.我最爱看他们试图逃跑的那一段This passage should be played andante.一段应该用行板演奏。A cool-down period should follow your aerobic workout .有氧健身之后应该有一段放松休息的时间。A few words spoken in anger can quickly destroy a love affair or friendship.几句气话就可以迅速毁掉一段恋情或友谊。It contained a passage that descanted on the advantages of wealth.其中有一段文字详述了财富的好处。There are many chapters in Wilkins’ long, colorful life, including the time he spent in prison.威尔金斯漫长而又丰富多彩的生活中有许多篇章,其中包括他在狱中度过的那一段Bill had lost his job, and it was a difficult time for him.比尔丢了饭碗,对他来说那是一段困难的时期。Most recitals would have ended at the wonderful conclusion to Liszt's sonata, but Donohoe offered an addendum.大多数独奏在完成对李斯特奏鸣曲的精彩演绎后就应该结束了,但是多诺霍又加演了一段He's been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period free of other considerations.整个上午他一直在写作,并希望有一段较长的不必考虑其他事情的时间。The water is quite shallow for some distance.这片水域有一段相当浅。I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.今天早上我坐公共汽车时,无意中听到一段好笑的谈话。The company I work for went through a rough patch.我工作的公司经历过一段困难时期。They began the meeting with an invocation.会议开始时他们念了一段祷文。After a disastrous first marriage to a young soldier, Kylie didn't feel like rushing into another relationship.在与一位年轻的士兵第一次灾难性的婚姻结束了以后,凯莉不想急急忙忙开始另一段关系。We had an awesome time at the concert.我们在音乐会上度过了一段美好的时光。




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