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词汇 一曲
例句 Phelps kicked off an outstanding night's music with a beautifully played Mozart Symphony.费尔普斯以一曲演奏得很动听的莫扎特交响乐开始了一个精彩的音乐之夜。The song ended and Albert took a bow.一曲结束,艾伯特鞠躬谢幕。Would you play something for us?你能否为我们演奏一曲The violinist got an encore.这位小提琴家被听众要求再演奏一曲It was a seamless procession of wonderful electronic music.这是一曲优美流畅的电子乐曲。Thomas and Elisa performed a rousing duet for violin and piano.托马斯和伊丽莎共同表演了一曲激动人心的小提琴钢琴二重奏。May I have the next dance?可以赏光跳下一曲吗?The audience cheered as the band walked onstage for another encore.乐队应观众的要求走上舞台又加演一曲时,观众们欢呼了起来。The last track finishes this compilation beautifully.整张选辑在最后一曲优美的旋律中结束。He sang a tune to us. = He sang us a tune.他为我们唱了一曲The band came back onstage for an encore.乐队回到台上又演奏了一曲She had to sit out the last dance because of a twisted ankle.她脚踝扭了,就没有跳最后一曲Take your partners for the last dance.跟你们的舞伴们跳上最后一曲吧。She loves playing the piano and will give you a tune at the drop of a hat.她爱弹琴,并乐意随时为您奏一曲The audience cheered, clamoring for more.观众大声叫好,吵着要求再来一曲For an encore he sang an unaccompanied folk song.应观众再唱一曲的要求,他清唱了一首民歌。Would you play for us?你能否为我们演奏一曲She sung a very difficult song for the finale.最后一曲,她唱了首高难度的歌。He lit some candles and put on some mood music.他点燃几根蜡烛并播放了一曲抒情音乐。At yesterday's dance, I couldn't finish the dance with Jane because someone cut in.昨天舞会上我同简没能跳完一曲,因为有人截舞。They danced a/the rumba.他们跳了一曲伦巴舞/跳伦巴舞。He plays an original jazz-gospel sound.他演奏了一曲原创的黑人福音爵士音乐。The ceremony opened with a fanfare of trumpets.仪式以一曲嘹亮的小号短曲开场。The band played a waltz.乐队演奏了一曲华尔兹舞曲。The choir sings a cappella.合唱团清唱了一曲She will now favor us with a song. 她现在要为我们献歌一曲A sit-down dinner was followed by a disco.晚宴之后播放了一曲迪斯科舞曲。The audience encored the pianist.听众要求那钢琴家再奏一曲May I have the pleasure of the next dance?你肯赏光和我跳下一曲舞吗?He played a tune on the violin.他用小提琴奏了一曲He strummed a tune on the guitar.他用吉他弹了一曲At the end of the concert, the band treated their fans to a new song.音乐会结尾时,乐队给粉丝们加演了一曲新歌。He partnered me for the last waltz.跳最后一曲华尔兹时,他是我的舞伴。She played a tune impromptu.她即席演奏了一曲Would you like a dance?你愿意跳一曲吗?Hey, play us a jig!嗨,给我们奏一曲吉格舞曲吧!The pianist played a piece by Chopin.钢琴家演奏了一曲萧邦的作品。The trumpet player performed an improvised solo.小号演奏者即兴独奏了一曲The concert kicked off with a folk song.音乐会以一曲民歌开始。




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