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词汇 一批批
例句 In Sale, disappointed voters switched their allegiance in droves.在塞尔,一批批失望的选民改变了他们的拥戴对象。We hired a succession of temporary workers.我们雇用了一批批临时工。Numerous people were mown down by starvation.无数的人因挨饿而一批批倒毙。Novels rush forth in droves to meet the demand.一批批小说涌现出来以应需要。Droves of dispossessed people emigrated to Canada.一批批流离失所的人们移民到了加拿大。The exhibit has attracted a succession of visitors.这个展览吸引了一批批的参观者。The tourist buses disgorged their multitudes.一批批人群从那些游览车里涌出来。Sets of tiny buds appeared among the extravagant foliage.茂密的叶丛中出现了一批批细小的蓓蕾。Morale at the company is at an all-time low, and staff are leaving in droves.公司士气空前低落,员工一批批离去。




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