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例句 We've got another lot of visitors coming this weekend.这个周末,我们又有另一批客人来。Management wheeled in the experts to study the matter further.管理层聘请了一批专家进一步研究此事。Many of the earliest settlers here dies from disease and hunger.这里最早的一批移民中有许多人死于疾病和饥饿。The museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures.这家博物馆收藏了一批令人着迷的各式航海珍宝。Top Burgundies attract a fanatical following among wine buffs.顶级勃艮第葡萄酒在葡萄酒酒迷中吸引了一批狂热的拥趸。The missionary schools sought to produce converts to Christianity.这些教会学校试图培养出一批改信基督教的人。A priceless collection of vases was destroyed.一批贵重的花瓶被毁坏了。It was the finest collection of paintings in Denmark, but during the last war it was broken up and scattered to the four winds.这本是丹麦最好的一批藏画,但是在上一次战争中散逸各处。A collection of vintage cars will be on parade on Sunday.星期天将有一批老爷车展出。The last fishing boats left the cove.最后一批渔船离开了小海湾。Another excursion will be arriving here for tea.一批游客会来这里喝茶。Powell talked to a group of industry leaders in Atlanta on Tuesday.周二鲍威尔在亚特兰大对一批工业界领袖作演讲。The president met with a select group of senior negotiators.总统有选择地会晤了一批资深的谈判代表。The new "No Parking" signs went up yesterday.昨天刚立了一批“禁止吸烟”的告示牌。A team of special investigators have gone to the scene of the explosion.一批特别调查人员已前往爆炸现场。He will ask a group of experts to report on the issue to a September meeting of G7 finance ministers.他将请一批专家在九月举行的七国集团财长会议上就此问题进行汇报。The TV show has a devoted following.这档电视节目有一批忠实的追随者。She has a collection of pastels.她收集了一批蜡笔画。He made the last shipment on consignment.他完成了最后一批寄售货物的装运。The movement quickly gained/attracted/built a following among young people.这场运动迅速在年轻人中赢得/吸引/发展了一批追随者。Police are investigating a burglary in which a small quantity of jewellery was stolen.警方正在调查一宗盗窃案,有一批数量不多的珠宝被盗。Each year brings a new mode and a new crop of artists.每年都会产生一种新的风格,诞生一批新的艺术家。Officials found the cocaine haul hidden in the wheels of the truck.官员们查获了一批藏在卡车轮子里的可卡因。A group of sympathetic academics has been drafted in by Lib Dem leaders to brainstorm.自由民主党领导人抽调了一批富有同情心的学者召开头脑风暴会。I wrote away for another supply of the vitamins.我写信让他们再提供一批这种维生素。It is a collection of documents with reference to the First World War.这是一批有关第一次世界大战的文件。Wave on wave of refugees has crossed the border to escape the fighting.一批一批的难民为躲避战争而越过边境。He was one of a group of Soviet émigrés living in New York.他是居住在纽约的一批苏联流亡者中的一员。They enjoy a cult following in Japan.他们在日本有一批铁杆追随者。There is a supply of skilled workers that they can tap into.一批熟练工人可供他们使用。She has developed a cult following.她有一批狂热的追随者。They sent him a shipment of tobacco.他们运了一批烟叶给他。The store got a delivery of shirts yesterday.这家商店昨天到了一批衬衫。Exhibits include a widely representative collection of Greek vases.展品包括一批有普遍代表性的希腊花瓶收藏品。A swarm of locusts descended on the countryside.一批蝗虫袭击了乡村地区。Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Central America.执法人员截获了一批从中美洲运来的毒品。Apparently there were discrepancies between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times.显然警方在不同时候对同一批证人所记录的口供报告内容有出入。The museum has a collection of the weirdest sculptures I've ever seen.这家博物馆收藏了一批我从来没有见过的奇怪雕塑。The government got together a group of experts to study the problem.政府召集了一批专家来研究这个问题。The museum has a collection of Germanic art.这个博物馆收藏了一批德国风格的艺术品。




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