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词汇 一小时
例句 Don't forget to turn the clocks back tonight.今晚别忘了把钟拨慢一小时He had twelve phone calls in the space of an hour.他在一小时内接了十二通电话。The comedian flooded the audience with the killingest jokes for an hour.喜剧演员向观众讲了一小时极其滑稽的笑话。The sun had dried up the roads an hour after it stopped raining.雨停后一小时,太阳就把路面晒干了。Jim blew in about an hour ago.大约一小时前吉姆突然来了。After only an hour's hiking they were beginning to wilt in the heat.才走了一小时,他们就热得没精打采了。I hung around the station for an hour but he never came.我在车站等了一小时,但他始终都没来。They devote an hour every day to worship.他们每天花一小时做礼拜。If we can talk to her for an hour I'm sure she'll come around to our point of view.如果我们能与她谈一小时,我相信她会改变态度接受我们的观点。She had piped away for a whole hour.她已吹奏了整整一小时The police picked him up within the hour.警察不到一小时就将他逮捕了。The movie didn't start for another hour, so we had something to eat in the cafe across the street.电影还要过一小时才开始,于是我们在街对面的咖啡馆里吃了点东西。True to type, Adam turned up an hour late.亚当晚了一小时才到,这完全符合他的作风。The test should take an hour at the longest. 这次测试最长不超过一小时We should hear the results inside an hour.我们应该能在一小时内知晓结果。There's no way we can get to the airport in less than an hour.一小时之内我们要赶到机场是绝无可能的。There are two hundred guests arriving in one hour! That's why things are so hectic!一小时内来了二百位客人!所以才会忙得团团转!Dunk new plants in a bucket of water for an hour or so before planting.栽种新植物之前将它们在水桶中浸泡一小时左右。She spent the next hour e-mailing her resume to prospective employers.接着的一小时里,她通过电子邮件发个人简历给有可能成为雇主的公司。We have to leave within the hour in order to be on time.为了准时到达,我们得一小时内出发。The tidal predictions are expressed in Greenwich Mean Time. Add one hour for British Summer Time.潮汐预报用的是格林尼治标准时间。英国夏令时要在标准时基础上加一小时He killed three beers in less than an hour.他不到一小时就喝光了三瓶啤酒。Each lesson was an hour in length.每节课时长是一小时The nuns have an hour for silent contemplation every morning.修女们每天早晨要做一小时的默祷。After a whole hour of driving, we fetched up back where we started.开了整整一小时车后,我们竟然又回到了出发的地方。If we all set to, we can finish cleaning the house in an hour.如果我们开始认真干起来,我们一小时就能把房间打扫干净。She grew more nervous with each passing hour. 随着时间一小时一小时地过去,她变得越来越紧张。The clocks have been advanced one hour.钟已拨快一小时He worked very fast, insomuch that he was through in an hour.他工作得很快,一小时内便做完了。They live in a village but it's only an hour from London so they have the best of both worlds.他们住在一个村子里,但离伦敦只有一小时的路程,所以农村和城市的好处他们都能享受得到。He cranked out the report in less than an hour.一小时内就炮制出了那篇报告。She left an hour early for fear of missing her train.她提早一小时离开以免误了火车。The old lady expired within the hour.那个老太太不到一小时就死了。Sometimes I travel at an hour's notice. My brothers expect me when they see me.有时候我一接到通知一小时内就要出门旅行。我的兄弟们不知道我什么时候回来。We have one hour left to set up for the party.我们还有一小时时间为聚会做准备。The ailing man alternated two hours of work with one hour of rest.那个体弱多病的人每工作两小时就要歇一小时The diversion added another hour to our journey.改道使我们的旅程又增加了一小时He does pop down to the pub, but he seldom stays longer than an hour.他确实会跑去酒吧坐坐,但停留时间很少超过一小时I spent an hour putting the machine together and I'll be damned if it didn't fall apart as soon as I tried to use it. 我花了一小时把这台机器组装好,没想到正要用时,它就散架了。It took us an hour to reach the farm house, driving along winding country roads.我们沿着蜿蜒曲折的乡间道路行驶了一小时才到达农庄住宅。




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