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例句 He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Douglas.他给道格拉斯写了一封非常正式的道歉信。My bank manager took the trouble to write a very detailed letter answering my inquiry.银行经理特意写了一封十分详细的信回答我的询问。My last boss gave me a good reference.我上次供职那地方的老板给我写了一封德才兼优的推荐信。She received a letter from home.她收到了一封家信。I got a party invitation in the post, and I called to RSVP.我收到一封聚会邀请信,已经打电话确认会参加了。I got a long newsy letter from her.我收到她写的一封信息量大的长信。The new student received a letter from the controller's office regarding her tuition.新生收到了一封来自主计官办公室的有关学费的信。A cover letter should never exceed one page; often a far shorter letter will suffice.附信不应超过一页,通常来说,一封相对非常简短的信就足够了。I am expecting several important letters but nothing has arrived.我正在等几封重要的信件,可是一封都没到。He didn't even send a thank-you letter.他连一封感谢信都没有寄。I sent a letter of complaint but I never got an answer. 我寄了一封投诉信,但一直没得到回复。I've sent him a real snorter; if that doesn't have any effect, nothing will.我已寄给他一封措辞极为严厉的信,如果那也不见效果,就再没有什么办法了。They drafted a letter to the local newspaper.他们起草了一封写给当地报社的信。She was flattered by Roberto's long letter.罗伯托的一封长信让她很是高兴。I am sorry for this rambling letter.写了这么一封杂乱无章的信,对不起。In a written apology, the BBC admitted they had misled the public.英国广播公司在一封致歉信中承认他们误导了公众。A letter from the school arrived, saying that Joey had been both disobedient and disrespectful.收到一封学校寄来的信,信上说乔伊既不守校规,又不尊敬师长。Mr. Fitchel said he made the suggestion in a memo to his superiors.费切尔先生说,他是在写给上司的一封便笺里提出这个建议的。She sent him a furious email.她给他发了一封愤怒的电子邮件。I'm gonna write you a long, gooey letter.我会给你写一封情意绵绵的长信。Senators signed a letter opposing the plan.参议员们在一封反对该计划的信上签了名。Always include a cover letter with your résumé.简历内一定要附上一封求职信。When I saw what he'd written I fired off an angry email.看到他写的东西,我冒火地发了一封表示愤怒的电子邮件。An anonymous missive had been pushed under her door.有人在她门下塞了一封匿名信。I was touched by his hospitality and wrote him a thank-you letter.我深感他的盛情款待,便写去一封感谢信。He received a threatening crank letter.他收到了一封恐吓性质的骚扰信件。He wrote an expostulation to the minister.他写了一封忠告信给部长。Christie retaliated by sending his friend a long letter detailing Carl's utter incompetence.为了报复,克里斯蒂给他朋友寄了一封长信,细述卡尔完全不称职。He got a response to his letter.他收到了一封回信。All but one of these letter bombs had been intercepted by vigilant post office staff.除了一封漏网之外,警惕的邮局员工截获了其余所有的邮件炸弹。They sent me a rejection letter.他们给了我一封回绝信。His long search threw up one old letter.他找了好久,结果找出了一封旧信。 It is usual to send a formal reply to a wedding invitation.收到婚礼请柬后一般要寄一封正式的回函。They sent us a grateful letter.他们给我们寄来了一封感谢信。I got a letter from Anna today.我今天收到安娜的一封来信。Her glowing review of his performance reads like a mash note from a lovesick fan.她为他的演出而写的评论热情洋溢,读起来就像是一个害相思病的粉丝写的一封示爱信。His new employer asked for a character of him from his old teacher.他的新雇主要求一封由他从前的老师写的推荐书。We received an apologetic letter and a full refund from the company.我们收到了公司的一封道歉信以及全部退款。He handed over a letter of apology from the Prime Minister.他递交了一封首相的道歉信。I received a letter with three enclosures.我收到一封有三份附件的信。




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