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词汇 一定要
例句 Make sure the lid is completely closed.盖子一定要盖严。Always read the instructions.一定要阅读使用说明。We always used to say our prayers before going to bed.以前我们临睡前一定要祷告。He's determined to think the worst of me.他是一定要把我往最坏里想。Be sure to store them carefully as they bruise easily.它们很容易磕破,一定要仔细存放。We must all join forces to prevent violence.我们一定要齐心协力阻止暴力的发生。When the summer comes, we must get down to painting the outside of the house.等到夏天来临,我们一定要把房子的外墙刷一刷。I decided I must try for some paid work.我下决心一定要找份有报酬的工作。Do I have to work out my notice?一定要工作满通知期吗?They had to have their fingers in every pie and could not leave well alone.他们非得事事插手,一定要进行干涉。The country's infrastructure must catch up with its economic growth.国家的基础结构一定要赶上它的经济发展。We must try to make this summer camp a success. We don't want a repeat performance of last year's disaster.这次夏季野营我们一定要成功,不要再像去年一样搞得一塌糊涂。You don't need to go back to school if you don't feel up to it.要是你觉得自己不是念书的料,就不一定要回去上学。You must come and see us sometime.一定要改天来看看我们。The Indian team seem determined to regain the ground they lost in the last game.印度队在上一场比赛中失利,这次似乎下定决心一定要赢回来。Always check your mirror before pulling out to overtake.超车前一定要注意看后视镜。You must come and stay with us one weekend.一定要来和我们一起度周末。I'm trusting you with these documents, so make sure you keep them safe.我把这些文件交托给你,你一定要保管好。He makes tough business deals, but he makes sure he always stays within the law.他做生意手段很辣,但是确保自己一定要守法。This soup is really good - you must give me the recipe.这汤好极了,你一定要把食谱给我。Be sure to follow the usual safety precautions when cooking outdoors.在户外烹饪时一定要遵守通常的安全防范措施。He swore to defeat Odin's plan.他发誓一定要挫败奥丁的计划。Make sure you bend your knees when you're picking up heavy objects.提重物时一定要屈膝。You shall go to the ball, Cinderella.一定要去参加舞会,灰姑娘。Make sure you dry your hands.一定要把手擦干。Carpet cleaner should always be tested in an inconspicuous spot first.地毯清洗剂一定要在不显眼处先试用一下。You have to be tough with these young thugs.对这些年纪轻轻的暴徒态度一定要强硬。Make sure the ladder is firm before you start to climb.在开始爬以前,一定要先把梯子摆稳了。If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.做临时保姆时,一定要有孩子家长的联系电话。Make sure that you spread the glue on both surfaces.一定要两面都涂上胶水。I must tell Jerry what you said - it'll make him laugh.一定要把你的话说给杰里听,他会觉得好笑的。Make sure you lock your car.一定要把车锁好。This violin is very old and valuable and must be handled carefully.这把小提琴很旧了,而且非常贵重,一定要小心轻放。It's important that we get this message over to young people.我们一定要让年轻人明白这个道理。We must make a date to have lunch.我们一定要约个日子吃午餐。Make sure you wrap up warmly if you're going out.如果你要出去的话,一定要穿暖和。When you're overtaking, make sure there's nothing coming the other way.超车的时候一定要看清楚对面没有车驶过来。There must be no slips.一定要万无一失。I'll see that Jason isn't late for school again!一定要确保贾森以后上学不再迟到!He had strict instructions to return the key to me.他得到严格指示,一定要把钥匙交还到我手里。




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