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词汇 一大批
例句 She's responsible for the supervision of a large staff.她负责管理一大批员工。The Central Intelligence Agency employed a goodly number of expert professionals in this particular field.中央情报局雇用了一大批该领域的专业人员。The organization was founded by a dedicated army of volunteers.那个组织是由一大批具有奉献精神的志愿者建立的。This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries.这可能会带动消费性支出和一大批消费工业的复苏。They sent in a whole army of trained technicians.他们派了一大批训练有素的技师。The band still has a large number of faithful followers.这个乐队仍然拥有一大批忠实的歌迷。He has a large base of support within the party.在党内他有一大批支持者。There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn't make the press.一大批拿高薪的公关人员可以确保这样的新闻不会见诸报端。Nigeria provided a large contingent of troops to the West African Peacekeeping Force.尼日利亚向西非维和部队派出了一大批军队。The new leader has a large backing.新的领导人拥有一大批支持者。Large numbers of political prisoners have been pardoned and released by the new president.新总统赦免并释放了一大批政治犯。She has a huge army of young fans, and is extremely talented.她拥有一大批年轻的崇拜者,而且她极具天赋。A large stash of drugs had been found aboard the yacht.在游艇上找到了一大批藏匿的毒品。There was an army of technicians ready to help.一大批技术人员已做好支援准备。The actress had a legion of fans.这个女演员拥有一大批崇拜者。It is a comprehensive, readable textbook that will be relevant to a wide constituency of business students.这本教材全面且易读,将拥有一大批商务专业的学生读者。Customs officers have seized a large shipment of cocaine.海关关员截获了一大批可卡因。The movement developed a wide following among the middle classes.这场运动在中产阶级中发展了一大批追随者。There are a large number of potential customers for the new product.这个新产品有一大批潜在客户。You can win a complete new wardrobe.你可以赢得一大批新衣服。She has a legion of admirers/fans.她有一大批崇拜者/粉丝。The band has garnered a large following.这支乐队获得了一大批追随者。A massive weapons cache was uncovered.发现了一大批私藏武器。We've had a rush of orders.我们得到了一大批订单。This Dubai hotel can call on a bevy of highly trained butlers to provide an around-the-clock service.迪拜的这家宾馆可以请来一大批训练有素的管家提供全天候服务。Davis had a large collection of pop records.戴维斯收藏了一大批流行歌曲唱片。My father has just come into a fortune in diamonds.我父亲刚刚继承一大批钻石。He has a wide intellectual constituency.他在知识分子中有一大批支持者。I have received a shower of letters recently.最近我收到了一大批信件。There was a strong police presence throughout the demonstration.整个示威游行期间都有一大批警察在场。There has been such a wholesale flux of gamblers to the place.已经有一大批这样的赌徒涌入这个地方。The police seized a quantity of obscene publications.警察没收了一大批淫秽出版物。The band has a big following in Europe.这支乐队在欧洲有一大批乐迷。An army of doctors blitzed the disease.一大批医生对这种疾病发起猛攻。The Central Intelligence Agency employed a goodly number of expert professionals in this particular field.中央情报局雇用了一大批这一领域的顶尖专业人才。A large shipment of grain has just arrived.一大批粮食刚运到。The concert attracted a large audience.(这场)音乐会吸引了一大批听众。Present tonight at the long-awaited opening of this film are a whole galaxy of stars from the acting and musical professions.人们期待已久的电影首映式今晚举行,一大批影星歌星前来捧场。The Prime Minister has a large following.首相有一大批支持者。The club boasts an impressive range of home-grown sporting talent.俱乐部拥有一大批土生土长的运动天才。




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