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例句 They face a severe test of character against a vastly superior team.他们面临着一场对他们意志品质的严峻考验,对手是比他们水平高出一大截的球队。A long drawn out war would likely deepen and prolong the recession.一场旷日持久的战争很可能会使衰退程度加剧,时间延长。Teachers staged a sit-down protest in front of the president's office.老师们在校长办公室门前举行了一场静坐抗议。We'll have a long talk and a good cry and then with any luck we'll both feel better.我们会一席长谈,大哭一场,但愿这样我们两个都会好过一点。That sort of language will only prime the pump for an ugly argument later.那种语言将只会在以后挑起一场令人不快的争辩。The trip's going to be a disaster - I can feel it in my bones.这次旅行将是一场灾难。我凭直觉预感到这一点。The team badly needs a victory.这支球队非常需要打赢一场球赛。There was a massive fight after school yesterday.昨天放学后发生了一场大规模斗殴。It was a fitting end to a bitter campaign.那是一场严酷选战的恰当结局。She was dealing with a family crisis at the time.当时她正在处理一场家庭危机。It is a war with no holds barred and we must prepare to resist.这是一场没有规则的战争,我们必须作好抵抗的准备。They weathered a terrible storm while at sea.他们在海上经历了一场可怕的暴风雨。A member of the security forces was killed in a sniping incident.有一名安全部队成员在一场狙击战中被打死。The meeting turned out to be a grilling by Democrats of the Republican senator about his proposal.这次会议结果成了民主党向这位共和党参议员的提议发难的一场责问会。He was arrested for causing a disturbance.他因为引发一场骚乱而被捕。It is a mawkish play.这是一场令人唏嘘不已的戏。She is in for a second disaster.她肯定还要遭到一场劫难。Her parents, who were killed in a car accident, lived there.她父母曾住在那里,后来死于一场车祸。That evening, I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.那天晚上,我为几个密友举办了一场晚宴。We had a grim struggle before we won.我们经历了一场恶斗才赢得胜利。The school always puts on a play at Christmas.圣诞节时学校总会演一场戏。It was a hard struggle with him to make new advances.对他来说要取得新的进展是一场艰苦的斗争。A terrible storm hit the island last night.昨晚一场特大暴风雨袭击了该岛。He wanted to discuss his position, and arranged a meeting to this end.他想讨论一下他的立场,于是为此目的安排了一场会议。A fire had severely damaged the school.一场火灾严重毁坏了那所学校。The assassination of Indira Gandhi caused a crisis in India.英迪拉·甘地被刺杀在印度引发了一场危机。An accident was blocking traffic.一场事故堵塞了交通。There was a big stink about his accepting a bribe.他收受贿赂,引起一场大纠纷。Their dream of living in the country turned into a nightmare.他们在乡村生活的美梦变成了一场噩梦。It's nice to have a good old-fashioned singsong now and again.时不时搞一场精彩的老式合唱是件不错的事情。Einstein's General Theory of Relativity started a revolution in scientific thinking.爱因斯坦的广义相对论引发了一场科学思维的革命。He eliminated his rivals in a struggle for power.他在一场残酷的权力争斗中将对手一一铲除。The government launched a massive literacy campaign.政府发起一场大规模的扫盲运动。This has been a harrowing experience for all concerned.这对所有相关人员都是一场痛苦的经历。The exhibition at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts is more a production than it is a museum display.波士顿美术博物馆的展览与其说是一次博物馆展出,倒不如说是一场精心设计的展演活动。She was attending a dinner for the great and the good.她正在参加为大人物举办的一场晚宴。The bomb warning had a galvanic effect.炸弹袭击警告引起了一场恐慌。His proposal set off a political firestorm.他的提议引发了一场政治风暴。He was a military strongman who ruled the country after a coup.他是个军事独裁者,在一场军事政变后成为这个国家的统治者。Being lost in the wilderness for a week was an ordeal for the campers.在荒野里迷路一星期对露营者来说真是一场磨难。




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