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词汇 一名警察
例句 A policeman accidentally killed his two friends with a single bullet.一名警察无意中用一颗子弹打死了他的两个朋友。One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose.一名警察拔出了枪,人们顿时乱作一团。The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway.这伙强盗在逃走前开枪打了一名警察The gunmen opened fire, killing a policeman and a passer-by.持枪者开枪打死了一名警察和一位路人。A police officer is critically ill after being shot in the chest.一名警察胸部中弹,生命危在旦夕。Luckily, help arrived in the shape of a police officer.幸运的是,一名警察模样的人过来帮忙。I was in a loading zone and a cop booted me out.我当时在装货区,一名警察把我撵开。A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her.一名警察和一位护理人员先后试图救活她。A policeman was gravely injured in the incident.一名警察在这次事故中受伤很严重。The protester was jabbing a finger aggressively at a policeman.那个示威者挑衅地用手指戳向一名警察He murdered a constable during the powder.他在逃跑时杀死了一名警察We'll have a police officer on the spot immediately.我们马上派一名警察前往现场。A police officer arrived on the scene and took up the chase.一名警察赶到现场,开始追捕。A policeman walked by with a slow, measured tread.一名警察迈着小心的步子慢慢走了过去。A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signalling to me to pull over.一名警察站在路旁,示意我把车停在路边。He was accused of using threatening or insulting behaviour and of assaulting a police officer.他被指控做出了威胁性或是侮辱性的举动,并袭击了一名警察A policeman was shot dead in an ambush.一名警察遭伏击中枪身亡。Fortunately, a police officer was on hand to administer prompt assistance to the victim.幸运的是,现场有一名警察对受害者及时施以援手。A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush.一次伏击中一名警察中弹身亡。A policeman is fighting for his life after young thugs threw a brick through his patrol car windscreen.有年轻暴徒向巡逻车的挡风玻璃扔了一块砖头,一名警察生命垂危。A police officer was stationed outside to guard the door/entrance.一名警察站在门口执行守卫。A queue formed by the gates, and a policeman tried to move people along.大门边排起了一排队伍,一名警察试图叫人们走开。He was convicted of murdering a policeman.他被判谋杀一名警察的罪名成立。It's bad enough to have anyone joke about such a serious matter but a member of the police force should know better.拿这么严肃的事情开玩笑已经够糟的了,身为一名警察更不应该这样做。A policeman roared at the crowd to stand back and made a gap for the ambulance.一名警察大声叫人群后退,为救护车让道。I noticed a policeman standing nearby.我注意到有一名警察站在近旁。A policeman kept guard over the prisoners.一名警察看守囚犯。The woman claimed that she had been punched and kicked by one of the policemen.那女人称自己遭其中一名警察拳打脚踢。Every San Francisco police officer understands the realities of policing this city.旧金山每一名警察都明白在该市巡查治安的现实状况。When police officers questioned him, he became belligerent and tried to hit one of them.当警察盘问他时,他变得怒气冲冲,并想打其中一名警察She joined the town's police department.她成了镇警察局的一名警察Two male juveniles were arrested and charged with indecent exposure after they mooned a police officer.两个青少年男子因在公共场合向一名警察亮出光屁股而被捕,并被控不雅暴露。He detailed a constable to take it to the Incident Room.他派了一名警察把它送到重案调查室。A second policeman cut off his escape.一名警察截断了他的逃路。He glanced meaningfully at the other policeman, then he went up the stairs.他向另一名警察意味深长地扫了一眼,然后走上楼去。He sat in the back of the car with a policeman on either side.他坐在汽车后座上,两边各有一名警察A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet.一名警察不慎一枪打死了他的两个挚友。He recognized the man as one of the police officers.他认出那个人是其中一名警察The video shows a policeman repeatedly laying into a protestor with his baton.录像中显示一名警察在用警棍不断痛打一名抗议者。In a recent incident, youths stamped on a police officer's head as she lay injured.最近发生了一起事件,一名警察因为受伤倒地,一伙青年用脚猛力踩她的头。




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