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词汇 一半
例句 Getting to your destination is half the fun of a vacation. = Getting there is half the fun.度假有一半的乐趣在于到达目的地。Because of the recession, salaries in the advertising industry have been cut by a half.由于经济衰退,广告业的薪水已经减少了一半This dress costs half as much as that one.这条连衣裙的价格只有那条的一半Half the companies in the survey reported a decrease in sales.调查中有一半公司表示销售有所减少。Half of the researchers have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.这些研究人员一半人拥有学士学位,一半人拥有博士学位。The professor failed almost half of the class.该教授给班上几乎一半人评了不及格。She's half French and half Italian. 她有一半法国血统,一半意大利血统。His day is evenly divided between work and relaxation.他一天的时间一半花在工作上,一半用于休息。Half of the marks are for the exam, and half are for coursework.成绩一半来自考试,一半来自平时的作业。You shouldn't have any trouble getting into the concert - they've only sold half the tickets.你要进去听音乐会应该不会有什么问题—他们只卖出一半的门票。The new firm was owned on a fifty-fifty basis by the two parent companies.这个新公司由两家母公司各持一半股份。You can't go halfway when you're painting the walls.你刷墙不能只刷一半He misconducted the expedition, losing half the supplies.他对这次远征指挥不当,损失了一半的供应物资。Do yourself a favour and cut your credit cards in half.帮帮自己,把信用卡的数量减少一半吧。Germany brought on a substitute at half time.德国队在比赛进行了一半时换上了一名替补队员。We were a little worried to find that half the seats in the theatre were empty.我们有点儿担心,剧院有一半的座位是空的。Nearly half the population is overweight.几乎有一半人口超重。The last thing you want is for your line to snap half way through winding it in.你最不想遇到的情况是拖到一半时绳子突然绷断了。She tried to explain, but he interrupted her in mid-sentence.她试图去解释,但他却在她话说一半时就打断了她。He has the physique and energy of a man half his age.他的体格和精力比得上年龄只有他一半大的人。Young plants can be fed with half-strength liquid fertilizer.幼小的植物可施以一半浓度的液体肥料。The idea of paying out half my salary on rent didn't sound too good.要我花一半的工资支付房租,这好像不太好。The budget has been chopped by half.预算被砍了一半The agreement included a stipulation that half of the money had to be spent on housing for lower-income families.协议中包括一项条款,即这笔款项中的一半必须用于低收入家庭的住房供给。The rich alumnus endowed the college with half of his fortune.这位富有的校友把其一半的财产捐赠给这所大学。United took the lead midway through the first half.曼联队上半场比赛进行至一半时领先。In just three years, the mayor has cut the city's crime in half.仅仅三年,市长就让本市的犯罪率下降了一半The city has received only half its average rainfall of four inches.本市目前的降雨只有往常四英寸平均雨量的一半In this country, half of all violent crime is perpetrated by people who have been drinking alcohol.在这个国家,一半的暴行是酗酒者犯下的。Nearly a half of all the industrial workers of China huddled in Shanghai.中国的产业工人几乎有一半曾经集中在上海。They lost half their fortune at a stroke.他们一下子就失去了一半财产。He gave half his fortune away.他把自己的一半财产赠送给别人了。The drug has been shown to cut the risk of heart attack by half.这种药已被证明可以将心脏病发作的风险降低一半It's only half the size of a normal violin.它只有普通小提琴的一半大小。Half of the small crop was kept for home consumption.不多的粮食收成中,一半被留作国内消费。She stopped mid-sentence, anxious not to offend him.她话说了一半就停下了,担心会得罪他。The lecture was so boring I just switched off halfway through.那个讲座太乏味了,我听到一半就听不下去了。I pushed away the half-eaten slice of cake.我把那块吃了一半的蛋糕推开了。The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali.观众中有一半是非洲人,其中大多数来自塞内加尔或马里。They sold half the wood and kept the rest in reserve for winter.他们把一半木柴卖了,剩下的储存起来过冬用。




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