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词汇 一列
例句 A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police.一列拖拉机突破了警戒线,隆隆响着驶上了高速公路。A miniature worm of train rolled tinily along the embankment.一列火车像条小虫似地沿着路堤徐徐前进。O'Brien formed the men into a ragged line.奥布赖恩让那些人排成了参差不齐的一列A heavy freight train double-headed up the mountain.一列满载货物的列车由双机牵引上山。He was pushed into the path of an oncoming train.他被推到了一列迎面开来的火车前。They jumped on a train and stole a ride.他们跳上一列火车逃票搭乘。I saw a line of bluejackets moving on the double-quick.我看到一列水兵正在跑步前进。A small band of guerrillas has blown up a train in the mountains.一小队游击队员炸毁了山区的一列火车。Several people were injured today when a train was derailed.今天有数人在一列火车出轨时受了伤。A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the houses.一列火车疾驰而过,房屋的墙壁都震动了。A private train rolled them to the summer resort.一列专车载送他们到避暑胜地。Slowly and patiently, she planted the seedlings in a neat row.她缓慢而又耐心地把秧苗插成整齐的一列Arched windows line the exterior.外面是一列拱顶窗。The Queen is walking slowly along the lines of soldiers, occasionally stopping to ask a question.女王在一列列士兵面前慢慢地走过,不时地停下来问问题。A train left/went off the rails and crashed into the bank, killing several passengers.一列火车脱轨后撞到路堤上,造成数名乘客死亡。We were held up by a long funeral procession.我们被一列长长的送葬队伍堵住了路。Bookcases lined the walls from floor to ceiling.从地面到天花板沿墙排着一列书橱。I caught an early train this morning.我今天早上坐了一列早班车。Cape Cod forms a continuity with a line of islands stretching towards New York.科德角与延伸向纽约的一列岛屿形成了一个整体。




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