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词汇 一代人
例句 They belong to an older, more self-denying generation.他们属于更加克己的上一代人Most of the speeches on D-Day will focus on the sacrifice of the World War II generation.关于进攻开始日那天的演讲大部分聚焦于第二次世界大战那一代人的牺牲。These ideas no longer obtain for our generation.这些观念在我们这一代人中已不复存在。In my generation the divorce rate is very high.我们这一代人离婚率很高。He was a typical product of his generation and background.他是他那一代人和他那种背景的典型产物。Olivier was hailed as the leading classical actor of his generation.奥利维尔被誉为他那一代人中一流的经典戏剧演员。His remarkable life and tragic death poignantly express the hopes and disappointments of a whole generation.他杰出的一生和悲惨的死亡动人心魄地表现了整整一代人的希望与失望。Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven't had for a generation.如果不能成功解决赤字问题,我们将错过等了一代人才等来的机会。The black boy is hopeful that injustices will be corrected by his generation.这黑人孩子希望非正义的行为将为他这一代人所纠正。Each generation becomes ever more consistent in its thinking.一代又一代人在思维上不断趋于统一。This picture awakened a generation to the Earth's mortality.这幅照片使一代人意识到地球定会灭亡。Each generation disconnects a little more. Soon the tradition will die out.一代人都与之疏远一些,这个传统很快就要消失了。Divorce is more common than it was a generation ago.现在离婚比一代人以前更常见了。Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers.就在不到一代人的时间里,坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。He's the greatest politician of his generation.他是他那一代人中最伟大的政治学家。Greene was one of the finest writers of his generation.格林是他那一代人中最杰出的作家之一。Public opinion has changed because of generational change.舆论因换了一代人而发生了变化。The classic American dream is to go from rags to riches in one generation.最典型的美国梦就是经过一代人的努力就可以从赤贫发展到暴富。It is arguable that he's the best writer of his generation.有理由相信他是他那一代人当中最出色的作家。Within a generation, the family had lost all its wealth.只不过一代人,这个家庭就家财罄尽。The First World War slaughtered a whole generation.第一次世界大战毁掉了整整一代人This generation doesn't hew to the party line.一代人不服从党的政策。The mindset of that generation was definitely more obedient than today's.一代人的思维模式比起现在的人肯定要更顺从。This generation has been weaned on computer games.一代人从小就受到了电脑游戏的影响。Since the last recession, a generation has reached the peak spending age without acquiring the caution that comes from burning your fingers once.自从上次经济衰退以来,一代人已到峰值消费年龄,却没有从冲动行事的教训中中学会谨慎。Each generation seems to loosen the established standards of behavior.一代人似乎都对既定的行为准则有所放宽。A generation ago, it was thought that babies born this small could not survive.一代人以前,人们认为生下来这么小的婴儿无法存活。People of his generation often have a hard time with computers.他这一代人用电脑很吃力。A generation of civil war had finally come to an end.历时一代人的内战终于结束了。The generation that fought in the war are all dying off.参战的那一代人都在相继死去。People retiring today are wealthier than the previous generation.现在退休的人比上一代人富裕。Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation.福克纳被誉为他那一代人中最伟大的美国小说家。This will still be the case long after our generation has turned to dust.等我们这一代人早已故去后,情况依然还会如此。A chasm separates my generation from my parents'.分歧使我这一代人不同于我父母那一代。Ours could well be the last generation for which moviegoing has a sense of magic.我们这一代很可能是认为到电影院观影具有一种魔力的最后一代人了。




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