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One guy stuck his foot out and tried to trip me.一个家伙伸出脚试图绊倒我。A guy left these flowers for you.这些花是一个家伙留下给你的。Tell him you saw Helena at the cinema with another guy - that should wipe the smile off his face!告诉他,你在电影院里看见海伦娜和另外一个家伙在一起——这样他就不会再那么洋洋得意了!I met a guy who offered to sell me some moonshine.我遇到一个家伙,要卖我走私酒。She was raised in a strict Catholic household but seems completely unashamed and relaxed about sex.她在一个家教严格的天主教家庭长大,但是在性的问题上却是不知廉耻,非常放荡。Perhaps we could find a home for the kitten.也许我们能给小猫咪找一个家。The list includes a furniture caster, a biscuit cutter, and a crystal vase.清单包括一个家具底部的万向轮,一个饼干切割器和一个水晶花瓶。To qualify for the program, at least one parent must be employed.至少要一个家长有工作才有资格参加这项计划。The novel is about a family consumed with pride and vanity.这部小说讲述一个家族在傲慢和虚荣中衰败的故事。Another guy was going for me with a broken bottle.另外一个家伙拿着碎瓶子向我扑来。Jan decided not to invite any of her relatives to her graduation.简决定在她的毕业典礼上,一个家人都不邀请。He had a dustup with a guy in the bar.他在酒吧里和一个家伙干了一架。None of the parents came forward to help with the school party.没有一个家长自告奋勇为这次学校聚会提供帮助。He got coldcocked by some guy in a bar.他在酒吧遭到一个家伙暴打。Building a home from scratch can be exciting and challenging.从零开始建造一个家,既激动人心又富有挑战性。She's going out with some guy she met at work.她和在工作上遇到的一个家伙交往。Why do you want to go and hamper yourself with such a man?你为什么要去受这样一个家伙的牵累呢?Botticelli was commissioned to paint this altarpiece for a family chapel.波提切利受托为一个家族教堂绘制圣坛装饰画。He invented fictional ancestors and a family history to impress the girls.他杜撰了一些祖先的名字和一个家族历史来打动那些女孩子。They have a home in the high country.他们在高原地带有一个家。A home near the sea is my idea of paradise.在海边建一个家是我梦想的天堂。Her tone was that of a parent to a disobedient child.她的语气就像是一个家长在训自己不听话的孩子。The whole town seems to be under the control of one family.整个城市好像受一个家族的控制。 |