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词汇 bombing
例句 Its planes are carrying out heavy bombing raids against the guerrillas.其飞机正在对游击队实施密集轰炸。The bombing of a residential neighbourhood terrified the nation.一片住宅区被炸使该国陷入恐慌之中。The rate of bombing has slowed considerably.轰炸的速度明显慢了下来。Police are investigating the scene to determine if there are any links with last week's bombing.警方在调查现场,以确定是否与上周的爆炸案有关联。A terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the bombing.一个恐怖组织声称对这起爆炸负责。Despite the bombing, the house was still intact.尽管受到轰炸,房子仍完好无损。The president was absolutely right in ordering the bombing raid.总统下令发动空袭是绝对合乎道义的。The bombing left the city engulfed in a firestorm.那次轰炸使得这座城市陷入一片火海。There was widespread international condemnation of the bombing.这次爆炸受到了国际社会的广泛谴责。Police made several arrests over the weekend in connection with last year's courthouse bombing.周末,警方逮捕了数名与去年法院爆炸案有关的人。The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France.这次轰炸看起来意在切断德国和占领法国的德军部队之间的补给线。Two men were arrested as suspects in the bombing.两名男子因涉嫌爆炸案被捕。The bombing levelled the village.那次轰炸已将村庄夷为平地。The French cabinet was unanimous in opposing NATO's bombing raids.法国内阁一致反对北约组织的轰炸袭击。Help is needed for families whose homes were destroyed in the bombing.那些家园在轰炸中被毁的家庭需要帮助。The latest bombing is the death of all our hopes.最近的炸弹爆炸事件使我们所有的希望都化为乌有了。No one has yet claimed responsibility for yesterday's bombing.还没有人声称对昨天的爆炸事件负责。Most people were outraged by the bombing, and their letters of sympathy reflected this sentiment.大多数人对这次爆炸事件都义愤填膺,他们的慰问信反映出了这种情绪。The calm was broken by another terrorist bombing.平静的状态被又一起恐怖轰炸打破了。Four days and nights of continuous bombing had left the city in ruins.四昼夜的连续轰炸将该城炸成了一片废墟。That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.那份声明似乎是专门反驳对联合轰炸任务所作的批评的。Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the bombing.轰炸发生以来,该地区的民族主义情绪开始高涨。Heavy bombing has gutted the city.狂轰烂炸已将这座城市化为废墟。The planes commenced bombing at midnight.飞机在半夜里开始轰炸。He was shot down during a bombing raid over the south.他在一次对南部的轰炸袭击中被击落。The night bombing raid took out the bridge.夜间的空袭摧毁了这座桥。Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.政治家们立即对爆炸事件进行了谴责。Their decision to begin bombing was, to all intents and purposes, a declaration of war.他们决定开始轰炸,实际上等于宣战。Anti-abortion zealots are responsible for the bombing of the clinic.反对堕胎的狂热分子对诊所的爆炸事件负有责任。The Minister said the bombing was a despicable crime.部长说这次爆炸是一起卑劣的罪行。The city was reduced to rubble/ruins by the bombing.城市被炸成了废墟。The plane swooped in on its bombing run.飞机猛然俯冲下来轰炸。Reporters described the horrific scenes which followed the bombing.记者们对爆炸发生以后的可怕场面作了报道。NATO bombing raids北约的突击轰炸We are urging the government to stop the bombing now, before it's too late.我们在敦促政府现在就停止轰炸,以免为时太晚。By the road was a memorial to victims of the bombing.路边是一块悼念那次轰炸的受害者的纪念碑。There was a call today to reopen the investigation into the bombing.今天有人呼吁对爆炸事件重新展开调查。Federal authorities said that no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing as of yet.联邦当局说至今还无人声称对这次爆炸事件负责。The hostages were taken in reprisal for the bombing.为了报复那次轰炸,有人质被劫持。Entire sections of the city were obliterated by the repeated bombing.反复的轰炸使该城市整块整块地区被夷为平地。




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