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词汇 zigzagged
例句 The player with the ball zigzagged back and forth down the field.带球队员在场上闪躲着前后跑动。The drunken man zigzagged down the street.那醉鬼东倒西歪地沿街走去。Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies.他很熟练地避开深沟,左曲右拐地穿过了田野。The lightning zigzagged through the churchyard.闪电呈之字形划过教堂墓地。Anarrow path zigzagged down to the stream.一条狭窄的小径曲曲折折地通向小溪。The path zigzagged from side to side through the steep gully.这条小道弯弯曲曲的穿过险峻的小峡谷。The market zigzagged during the day but finished higher in the afternoon.交易市场在白天一直都起起落落,但下午还是以高位收盘。I zigzagged down a labyrinth of alleys.我在一条迷宫般的小巷中曲折穿行。The path zigzagged down the hillside.小路沿着山坡弯弯曲曲而下。




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