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词汇 zeal
例句 Their zeal redoubled.他们的热情更高了。He argued the case for reorganization with missionary zeal.他以传教士般的热忱力陈改组的理由。Mr Lopez approached his task with a religious zeal.洛佩斯先生以宗教般的热诚对待工作。He was also remarkable for the proselytizing zeal with which he wrote his political pamphlets.他也非常热衷于改变他人的信仰,凭着这种热情他写了许多政治小册子。He spoke about the project with evangelical zeal.他激情高昂地讲述着那个方案。He burned with a reforming zeal.他内心燃烧着改革的热情。She studied for the test with monastic zeal.她一心一意地备考。I can appreciate his humanitarian zeal; it is the soundness of his thought that I question.我能够理解他的人道主义热忱,我质疑的是他的观点是否正确。She had a kind of missionary zeal about bringing culture to the masses.她对于向大众传播文化有着满腔的热忱。His reforming zeal was boundless.他对于改革热情无限。He took to studying English with great zeal.他开始以极大的热情学习英语。The camp counselors enforced regulations with excessive zeal. 夏令营辅导员在执行规章制度时过于严苛。She had a true zeal for journalism.她对新闻工作怀有真正的热情。His exploratory zeal in the Canadian Arctic has become a byword in courage.他对于加拿大北极圈的探索热情已经成了勇气的代名词。Mrs Mahmood had organized the street party with her customary gung-ho zeal.马穆德夫人以她一贯的积极和热忱组织了街道派对。She attacked her homework with renewed zeal after getting her first A.第一次成绩得了优以后,她便以更高的热情来完成家庭作业。An artist uses his preferred medium to satiate his creative zeal.艺术家用他喜欢的艺术种类来满足自己的创作热情。His boss highly appreciates his zeal for his work.他的上司十分欣赏他的工作热情。Many young people have an admirable messianic zeal about them.许多年轻人胸怀值得钦佩的济世热情。He spoke with missionary zeal about the project. 他以极大的热情讲述这项计划。He approached the job with missionary zeal.他以极大的热忱来对待这份工作。She went about the task with the zeal of an enthusiast.她以热心支持者的热忱开始做这项工作。He spoke with evangelistic zeal.他激情高昂地发表了讲话。In their zeal to industrialize, they got rid of too many farms.他们出于对工业化的热情而关闭了太多的农场。




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