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词汇 Your
例句 Your idea intrigues me.你的想法让我很感兴趣。Your car rental costs include unlimited mileage.您付的租车费可享受不受限的里程数。Your handwriting is so untidy I can't read it.你笔迹太潦草,我看不懂。Your hope was I'd make some exploitable mistake.你希望我出错,好让你钻空子。Your dramatics aren't going to change my mind.你装腔作势的表演改变不了我的主意。Your glass is nearly empty, let me top you up.你的杯子快空了,让我给你斟斟满。Your planning is nearly perfect except for one caveat: what you are suggesting is against the law.你的计划堪称完美,但是有一点我得提出预警:你所建议的事是违法的。Your money will be refunded in full.您会得到全额退款。Your nonconformist ways will probably get you into trouble.你特立独行的行事方式可能会给自己惹来麻烦。Your carelessness obliges firmness on my part.你那粗枝大叶的作风使我不得不对你严格。Your eligibility to vote is not affected.你的投票资格不受影响。Your fruit punch went down a bomb.你的水果潘趣酒大受欢迎。Your last month's salary will be paid by remittance.最后一个月的薪水将透过汇寄的方式付给你。Your pencils need to be sharpened.你的铅笔应该削削了。Your policy supposes full employment.你的政策是以实现充分就业为前提。Your room's very tidy.你的房间非常整洁。Your body draws on its reserves of fat during the times when you are fasting.禁食的时候,身体会动用储存的脂肪。Your handwriting is unreadable. 你的笔迹难以辨认。Your family, in effect, signs the consent for you.事实上,你的家人给你签了同意书。Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass.你的四肢需要防护,以免受到玻璃反射光的照射。Your composition will read better if you cross out these worn-out figures of speech.如果去掉这些陈腐的比喻,你的作文读起来就要好一些。Your shoes need cleaning.你的鞋要擦一擦了。Your research has obviously been very thorough.你的研究工作显然做得很透彻。Your luggage must be weighed before it is put on the aircraft.你的行李在送上飞机之前必须要称重。Your promotion is a feather in your cap.被提拔是你的荣耀。Your behaviour is driving me into a nervous breakdown.你的行为逼得我要发神经病了。Your tyres look a bit ropy, don't they?看来你的车轮胎有点不行了,是不是?Your shoes are really muddy - take them off before you come in.你的鞋子沾满了烂泥,把它们脱了再进来。There's no financial risk. Your money is as safe as houses with us.不会有经济风险,你的钱放在我们这儿绝对安全。Your idea at least disposes of the immediate problem.你的主意至少解决了最迫切的问题。Your personality is all out of focus.你的性格简直使人捉摸不透。Your doctor should explain the pros and cons of the different treatments available.你的医生应该向你解释各种可用的治疗方法的利和弊。Your voice is identical to hers.你的嗓音同她的一模一样。Your ruling emotion now is anticipation.你现在是满怀期待。Your happiness lies before you.幸福在等待着你。Your second point is no less important.你的第二点也同样重要。Your friends left a short time ago.你朋友走了没多久。Your clothes won't last if you don't care for them properly.如果不正确保养,你的衣服就穿不久。Your savings are safe with the Bank of America.你的钱存在美国银行里很安全。Your job is to defend the goal.你的任务是防守球门。




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