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词汇 you know
例句 It's a case of not what you know but who you know these days and qualifications go by the board.现在的情况是在这年头,关键是你认识谁,而不是你懂得什么,至于资格,无关紧要。Did you know that she's a Kennedy?你知道她是肯尼迪家族的一员吗?Can you pass me that thingy - you know, that clip thing for holding papers together. 你能把那个东西递给我吗——你知道的,那个把纸张别在一起的东西。Excuse me, do you know what time it is?对不起,请问现在几点了?Hold on – I'm not made of money, you know.等一下,你知道,我可不是很有钱。If you know that what you're doing will serve to improve human life, then work becomes respected, even revered.如果你认识到你正在做的事情将有助于改进人类生活,那么工作就是光荣甚至神圣的了。You offer to iron his shirt and before you know it, he expects you to do all the housework.你主动给他烫一次衬衫,他很快就会指望你做全部的家务。You'd be within your rights to complain about those shoes, you know.你瞧,你是有权抱怨那双鞋子的。I'll give the matter some thought and let you know my decision next week.这件事我考虑考虑,下个星期告诉你我的决定。Do you know that the government has whacked up the taxes again?你知道政府又提税了吗?Don't you know how to follow instructions? 难道你不知道如何遵从指示吗?You tell yourself everything's all right but you know it's not really.你自己对自己说一切都好,但你知道事实并非如此。I need someone who can speak both French and Spanish. Do you know anyone who fits the bill?我需要一个能说法语和西班牙语的人,你认识这样的人吗?Sing along if you know the words.如果知道歌词就跟着一起唱。Do you know how to print on this computer?你会用这台电脑打印吗?I can't work miracles, you know.我不能创造奇迹,你知道的。Do you know HTML?你知道超文本标记语言吗?You're getting a paunch, did you know that?你有大肚子了,自己知道吗?Don't pass a comment on things you know nothing about.自己不知道的事不要妄加评论。Living on a pension isn't easy you know. You really have to scrimp and save.仅靠养老金日子可不好过。你真的要省着点,存点钱。How much do you know about the Moore case?穆尔一案你了解多少?Do you know how he got tangled in the quarrel?你知道他是怎么卷入争吵的吗? He's tied up with his new book. He's working hard, you know.他正忙他那本新书。他在辛勤工作,您是知道的。They can't just shove motorways anywhere they like, you know.你知道,他们不能随便想在什么地方建高速公路就在什么地方建。If you have a problem, you know you can call at any hour of the day or night.如果遇到问题,你知道你可以随时打电话来。Do you know who is to be his endorser?你知不知道他的转让人将是谁? You don't have to be shy with me, you know.要知道你在我面前不必有顾虑。He gets funny turns, you know. It's his age.他总是感觉不舒服。也是,他都这个岁数了。Do you know how to multiply negative numbers?你知道负数的乘法怎么算吗?Hey, you know what? I'm hungry.嘿,你知道吗?我饿了。It's cold outside, you know.现在外面好冷,你要知道。Do you know how much we have in the till?你知道钱柜里有多少钱吗? Right, I've said my piece, so now you know what I think.好了,我说了我的想法,你现在知道我怎么想了。It's carnival, you know, a pagan free-for-all.这是嘉年华会。你知道,这是一场无关宗教信仰、可自由参加的热闹活动。Put up your hand if you know the answer.如果知道答案就举手。Do you know how to manipulate a computer?你会使用电脑吗? However did you know that?你到底怎么知道那件事的? I'm boning pretty hard. I graduate this term, you know.我现在学习十分努力,你知道,这学期我将毕业了。I've penciled you in for the match on Sunday;tell me as soon as you know for certain if you can play.我暂定你星期六参加比赛,如果你肯定能参加,请尽快告诉我。I'll have a beer. Gardening is thirsty work, you know.我想喝杯啤酒。要知道干园艺活可是使人容易口渴的呀。




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