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词汇 yard
例句 They continued the search, digging up the back yard.他们继续搜寻,在后院里挖掘寻找。The house has a fair-sized yard at the back and a smaller one in front.房子后面有个相当大的院子,前面有一个小一些的院子。The grass in our yard needs to be cut. 我们院子里的草坪需要修剪了。I left our school yard at recess and ran home.课间休息时,我离开学校跑回了家。The sound of music wafted softly into the yard from our neighbor's house.音乐声从我们邻居家轻轻地飘进了庭院。As a child, I loved to chase the chickens barefoot round the yard.小时候,我喜欢光着脚丫在院子里追赶小鸡。The runner was down on the fify-yard line.跑球队员在五十码线处被压倒在地。The kids were goofing around in the back yard.孩子们在后院闲荡。Most of the yard was covered with leaves.花园大部分地方都覆盖着树叶。She released the handbrake and swung the vehicle out of the yard and onto the road.她松开手刹,一个急转弯将汽车开出院子,上了马路。He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们家的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树。The chickens were running loose in the yard.几只鸡在院子里乱跑。Get a bucket to swill the yard down.去拿个桶来把院子冲洗一下。At the very back of the yard, several feet from Lenny, was a wooden shack.在院子的最后面离伦尼几英尺远的地方有一个小木屋。The kids were playing in the back yard.孩子们在后院玩耍。The house always has water standing in the back yard.这幢房子的后院里经常积水。His quiet home sat back in his yard.他那幽静的家坐落在庭院的里端。They picked up a five-yard gain on first down.在第一次进攻机会中,他们将球推进了五码。A thick growth of weeds covered the yard.庭院长满浓密的野草。The yard was cluttered with junk like broken bicycles and old washing machines.院子里堆满了诸如破自行车和旧洗衣机之类的废品。Benjy, I want you to stay in the yard where I can keep an eye on you.本杰,我要你留在院子里,这样我能看着你。The actress was found disheveled and confused in a Los Angeles back yard.那女演员在洛杉矶一户人家的后院里被发现时,衣冠不整,神情恍惚。We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back yard.我们回到家里,然后去后院的小山上滑雪橇。The yard held a few straggly bushes.庭院里有几处蔓生的灌木丛。One of the prison guards was bawling orders across the yard.有个狱警在院子那头吆喝着发号施令。As the fox came into the yard, the chickens began squawking in alarm.狐狸闯进院子时,鸡惊恐地开始咯咯大叫。A soggy pile of old leaves lay in the corner of the yard.院子的角落里有一堆潮湿的枯叶。A skunk smelled up our yard last night.昨晚一只臭鼬弄得我家院子里臭气冲天。I worked in the yard for part of the morning.上午我花了一点儿时间在院子里干活。The children played quietly in the back yard as Frances looked on with approval.孩子们在后院静静地玩着,弗朗西丝在一旁赞许地看着。Chickens ran around in the yard.鸡在院子里乱跑。The yard was overgrown with weeds.这个院子长满了杂草。The boys were out in the yard, just fooling around.男孩子在外面院子里玩耍。A new paling had been erected around the yard.院子边竖起了新的尖桩围栏。My next-door neighbor was watering her yard.我的隔壁邻居在给她的花园浇水。A pile of fencing lay about the yard.一堆栅栏材料摊放在场地上。Her yard was ablaze with summer flowers.她院子里夏季的鲜花五彩缤纷。The moles dug tunnels in the yard.鼹鼠在院子里打洞。Sue slipped in the yard and caught her head on the gate post.苏在院子里滑倒了,头撞在门柱上。They put up a fence around the perimeter of the yard.他们在院子周围竖起围栏。




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