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例句 Isabella wrote that she was dying, and asked him to visit her for the last time.伊莎贝拉写信来说她快死了,叫他去见她最后一面。The doctor felt her pulse and wrote a prescription.医生为她诊脉,开了药方。A lot of listeners wrote in and complained about the programme.很多听众写信来投诉这个节目。It would please Granny no end if you wrote to her occasionally.如果你能不时给奶奶写封信,她会非常高兴的。He wrote about his many voyages into the South Seas.他把自己多次在南半球航海的经历都记录了下来。At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.在大学期间他写了点儿东西,接触过一些表演,并且热衷参与校内政治活动。He wrote a few more notes on the board.他在黑板上又写了几条注释。He wrote a poem about his parents.他写了一首关于他父母的诗。He wrote a letter naming the people whom he suspected.他写了一封信,列出了他怀疑的那些人的姓名。I was touched by his hospitality and wrote him a thank-you letter.我深感他的盛情款待,便写去一封感谢信。He wrote innumerable songs without ever repeating himself.他写了无数的歌曲,从来不重复。He wrote a grandiose dissertation.他写了一篇华而不实的博士论文。Francis bypassed his manager and wrote straight to the director.弗朗西斯绕过他的经理,直接写信给董事。He wrote/drank copiously.他写/喝得很多。He wrote under a nom de plume.他用笔名写作。He wrote a hot-headed letter.他写了一封满是气话的信。He wrote an article that evoked a scolding.他写了一篇文章,为此引来一阵攻击。Two Manchester City fans, Geoff Watts and Howard Davies, coincidentally wrote similar letters to the club.说来也巧,两个曼城队球迷杰夫·沃茨和霍华德·戴维斯给俱乐部写了类似的信。She wrote an essay comparing two poems.她写了篇文章将两首诗进行比较。Vera wrote of her hatred for her mother.薇拉写到了她对母亲的憎恨。He wrote an intemperate letter to his congresswoman.他给女议员写了一封言辞过激的信。I wrote small to fit more words on the page.为了在一张纸上写更多字,我把字写得很小。She wrote for the now-defunct newspaper.她为那份现已停刊的报纸写过文章。In the introduction he explains why he wrote the book.在引言里,他解释了写这本书的原因。A few days later he wrote that he had hopes of a staff job.几天后,他写信说他有望得到一份行政工作。She wrote a book of short stories, but it never got published.她写过一本短篇小说集,但从未出版过。I wrote to the newspaper but my letter wasn't printed.我给报纸写了信,不过没有刊登出来。Hamlin wrote a letter to the council, complaining about the incident.哈姆林向理事会写信投诉这一事件。She wrote her name and address on a sheet of paper.她把名字和地址写在一张纸上。She wrote to him expressing her admiration.她给他写信,表达钦佩之情。A music critic wrote up the rock concert.一位音乐评论家详细记叙了那次摇滚音乐会。We wrote to each other.我们那时相互通信。After she retired, Hannah wrote a book about her experiences as a war reporter.汉娜退休以后写了一本书,讲她当战地记者的经历。The President wrote to us personally to thank us for our hard work.总统亲自写信来感谢我们勤奋工作。He wrote her and declared his heart.他写信给她,向她表白爱慕之心。With critics breathing down his neck, the writer wrote with diffidence.由于批评家们钉在背后准备找岔子,那作家落笔战战兢兢。He wrote vaguely and impressionistically about his life.对于他的人生经历,他只是轻描淡写,一笔带过。She wrote compellingly, with great zest.她满怀热情,饶有兴致地写着。He wrote a chatty letter to his wife.他给妻子写了封闲话家常的信。She wrote her thesis on Renaissance Nativity scenes.她写的论文是关于文艺复兴时期的耶稣诞生图的。




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