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词汇 working life
例句 Roberts has spent much of his working life collating the data on which the study was based.罗伯茨的很大一部分工作时间都是在核对研究所需的数据。He was a miner all his working life.他干了一辈子矿工。No-one should start working life with a debt round their neck.谁也不应该背负一身债务开始工作生涯。He had never envisaged spending the whole of his working life in that particular job.他从没有想象过自己整个职业生涯都要从事那个工作。Described as a natural conciliator, he has spent much of his working life studying industrial relations.他被描述为一个天生的和事佬,职业生涯的大部分时间都用在研究劳资关系上。He started his working life as a truck driver.他的工作生涯是从当卡车司机开始的。The working life of most vehicles can be increased if they are serviced regularly.如果定期保养,大部分车辆的工作寿命都能延长。She has been on the staff of the hospital for most of her working life.她已在这家医院工作了大半辈子。Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte's extraordinary working life.正在进行的管理层变更将最终为福特勋爵辉煌的职业生涯画上句号。Frank has served this company his whole working life.弗兰克在这家公司干了一辈子。I spent my working life poncing around on a beach instead of doing a proper job.我把该用于工作的时间都在海滩上游手好闲掉了,而没去从事一份像样的工作。This must have been one of the proudest moments of his busy and hard working life.这一定是他劳碌工作的一生中最引以为荣的时刻之一。His entire working life was spent with the same firm.他一生都在为同一家公司工作。These time-saving techniques could revolutionize your working life.这些节省时间的技术可使你的职业生涯发生根本变化。The chairwoman started her working life on the shop floor.这位主席是从生产车间开始她的职业生涯的。Travel is a dream of mine, but a busy working life has restricted my opportunities.旅行是我的梦想,但繁忙的工作却限制了我的旅行机会。Ilived abroad for most of my working life.我一生中大部分工作时间都在国外度过。I spent my working life poncing about on a beach instead of doing a proper job.我这辈子没干过什么正经工作,就在海滩上闲混了。




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