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词汇 wonder
例句 Well I wonder what surprises await us today.噢,我在想今天我们会碰到什么令人惊讶的事。I wonder if Sykes is ill. His work hasn't been up to scratch lately.我怀疑赛克斯是否病了,最近他的工作不够理想。The East Window is a wonder of medieval glazing.东窗是中世纪玻璃安装工艺的奇迹。I feel disgusted and wonder how I could ever have been so gross.我感到恶心,不知道自己怎么会变得如此粗俗。I wonder to see him looking so cheerful.我见他显得那么高兴感到奇怪。I just wonder what you make of all that.我只是纳闷儿你是怎么看待这一切的。I wonder if some time I could have a word with you.我在想可不可以找个时间跟你谈一谈?I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.我忍不住想知道他在想些什么。I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?我想知道这个游戏会不会在年轻人当中流行开来?I wonder if you could tell me where the post office is?不知您能否告诉我邮局在哪儿?No wonder Josef was feeling a bit flummoxed.怪不得约瑟夫觉得有点儿不知所措。It's a wonder that he wasn't seriously hurt.神奇的是他伤得并不重。The huge crowd that gathered at the stadium was a sight/wonder to behold. 体育场上人山人海,场面颇为壮观。Did you ever wonder how the top supermodels manage to look stunning?.难道你就没有想过那些超级名模是如何做到外表如此惊艳的吗?Can you wonder that he refused?难道你对他的拒绝会感到奇怪?No wonder the nurses feel let down - they were promised a big pay increase, but nothing has happened.难怪护士会感到失望。先是答应给她们大幅度提高工资,但后来就只字不提了。Her eyes were wide with wonder and awe.她的眼睛因惊奇和敬畏而睁得大大的。They wonder if their community is no longer insulated from big city problems.他们在想是否大城市的问题离自己的社区也已经不再遥远了。I wonder now if that drink had been drugged.我现在在想那杯饮料是否被下了药。You might well wonder why we need all these rules.你可能想知道我们为什么需要所有这些规则。She left her husband and ran away with a younger man. It was a nine days' wonder.她抛弃丈夫,跟一个年轻人私奔了。这件事曾轰动一时。The children's faces were full of wonder as they gazed up at the Christmas tree.孩子们抬头看着圣诞树,脸上充满着惊叹。I wonder if he really appreciates the seriousness of the situation.我不知道他是否真的意识到事态的严重性。They stared at her with open-eyed wonder.他们惊讶地睁大眼睛看着她。Jackson got these plans approved very easily - it makes you wonder if he had the local council in his pocket.杰克逊轻易就让这些计划得到了批准—这令人怀疑他是否操纵了地方市政委员会。If you stop making excuses and do it, you'll wonder what took you so long.如果你不再找借口而是行动起来,你会诧异怎么能拖了这么久。I wonder if we could borrow your lawnmower?请问我们能否借用一下你的割草机?I wonder where he gets these strange ideas.我不知道他哪里弄来这些奇怪的念头。He says he's had no formal training but when you see how good his work is, you start to wonder.他说他没有受过正规的训练,但是看到他出色的工作以后,你开始感到疑惑。I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune.我对她的好运既惊奇又感叹。Objects continuously revolve in space inspiring wonder and amazement.天体在太空中不停旋转,引人惊奇。Walk down Castle Street, admire our little jewel of a cathedral, then wonder at the castle.沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而叹服于城堡的壮观。I wonder what that means.我想知道那是什么意思。I wonder if she had a premonition of her own fate.我不知道她是否对自己的命运有不祥的预感。Christmas should be a time of excitement and wonder, not a cynical marketing ploy.圣诞节应该是兴奋和美妙的时刻,而不该是一种肆无忌惮的营销策略。Who could that be at the door, I wonder?我琢磨着,在门口的人会是谁呢?I wonder who spilled out the information.我不知道谁泄漏了这一消息。Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.无怪乎很多选民看不起他们的政治家。Sometimes I wonder if people are intrinsically evil.有时候我想知道是否人性本恶。I don't want to raise too many doubts, but I wonder whether he's really fit for the job.我并不想提出太多疑问,可是我怀疑他是不是真的适合做这份工作。




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