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词汇 womb
例句 Researchers are looking at how a mother's health can affect the baby in the womb.研究人员正在观察母亲的健康会对子宫中的胎儿产生何种影响。The embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother's womb.胚胎被移植到代孕母亲的子宫中。Perforation of the womb is very rare.子宫穿孔非常罕见。The baby's head was starting to emerge from the womb.婴儿的头开始从母亲的子宫中露出来。This olfactory sense develops in the womb.这一嗅觉在子宫内形成。A donor egg fertilised by her husband's sperm will be implanted in her womb.一个由她丈夫的精子受精的供卵将植入到她的子宫内。The Near East is the womb of western civilization.近东是西方文明的发源地。The Internet was born from the womb of government agencies.因特网脱胎于政府机构。A moan issued from the womb of the cave.从那洞穴深处传出一声呜咽。She felt the unborn baby move in her womb.她感觉胎儿在自己子宫内蠕动。The test involves examination under a microscope of cells taken from the neck of the womb, smeared onto a microscope slide.这个试验需要取子宫颈处的细胞制成涂片并放在显微镜下观察。Recent research shows that babies in the womb can be influenced by music.最近的研究表明子宫中的胎儿会受到音乐的影响。A scan determines the position of the baby in the womb.扫描检查可以确定胎儿在子宫中的位置。




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