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词汇 wives
例句 A great deal of Jeff's money went in alimony to his three former wives.杰夫的很大一部分钱都用在了向他的前三任妻子支付赡养费。A lot of men would feel emasculated if they stayed at home while their wives went out to work.如果妻子出去工作而自己呆在家里,很多男人就会感到丧失了男子气概。Just before the strike she had done interviews about pit closures with miners' wives.就在罢工前,她就煤矿关闭一事采访了矿工的妻子们。Some of us had careers, but we had no hesitation in giving them up to work alongside our wives.我们中间有些人有自己的事业,但我们毫不犹豫地选择了放弃自己的事业,和我们的妻子并肩工作。They exchanged greetings, compared notes on their wives and families, and finally got down to business.他们互致问候,聊了聊家常,然后才言归正传。He was always drawn to other men's wives - the forbidden fruit.他总是为有夫之妇所吸引,因为她们是禁果。The typical career pattern was geared to men whose wives didn't work.这种典型的职业模式是为妻子不工作的男性设计的。Husbands are often mistaken in the virtues they ascribe to their wives.做丈夫的常常会误以为妻子具有种种美德。Prisoners' wives are the forgotten victims of crime.囚犯的妻子们是被忽略的犯罪受害者。Husbands and wives may be taxed jointly/separately.夫妻俩可以分别/合并纳税。Ambassadors’ wives are expected to look fashionable and well-groomed.大使的妻子应该看上去衣着时髦和考究。Three wives at once! You old rip!一人三妻,你这个老色鬼! Officers and wives entered in strict order of precedence.众官员及其夫人按照严格的礼宾次序入场。The leadership of both parties and their wives were invited.邀请了两党的领导人及其夫人。It is their husbands' fault if wives do fall.如果妻子不贞,那就是丈夫的过失了。Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the Great Hall to meet the President.外国的外交官和他们的夫人在大会堂集合与总统会面。Frogs won't give you warts. That's just an old wives' tale.青蛙不会让你皮肤生疣。那只是无稽之谈。She was dark and petite, as all his wives had been.她就像他以前的那些妻子一样,皮肤黑黑的,个子小小的。Vice-presidents' wives would fill in for first ladies.副总统夫人们将临时代替各位第一夫人。Many wives do not report acts of marital violence to the police.许多妻子遭受丈夫的暴力却不向警方报告。The Stepford wives do only what their husbands want.斯特福德式的妻子只做她们丈夫想要她们做的事情。It's very tough on the wives when the husbands leave.丈夫离去会使妻子处境艰难。As the soldiers returned home, their wives had to readjust to living with them again.士兵们回家后,他们的妻子要重新适应与他们一起生活。A crowd comprised of the wives and children of scientists staged a demonstration.由科学家们的妻儿们组成的队伍举行了示威游行。Never fool around with the clients' wives.千万别和客户的老婆乱搞。The officials came to the party with their wives.官员们携带妻子参加宴会。I had seriously considered telling the story from the point of view of the wives.我认真考虑过从为人妻者的视角来讲述这个故事。The husbands and wives were placed in separate groups.夫妻双方被分在不同的小组。Women are questioning their traditional role in society, as wives and mothers.妇女正对她们在社会中扮演的妻子和母亲的传统角色提出疑问。Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives.印度尼西亚妇女已经获得了现代离婚法的保护,享有和丈夫同等的权利。Husbands are discouraged from voting as proxy for their wives.不主张丈夫代妻子投票。I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate on their wives.我原以为医生给自己的妻子动手术是不合乎职业道德的。Working wives were the norm throughout the Soviet era.在整个苏联时期,妻子出去工作是很平常的事。Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.通常他接手的案子都涉及不忠的丈夫和离家出走的妻子。Husbands and wives cannot be forced to give evidence against each other.配偶不能被迫作出于对方不利的证词。Whether they say it aloud or not, most men expect their wives to be faithful.大多数男人还是希望他们的妻子对自己忠诚,不管他们有没有将这一想法大声说出来。Many men are afflicted with guilt and remorse at leaving their wives.许多男人因为离开妻子感到内疚和悔恨,心里备受折磨。Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.女性陷入了两难境地,如果她不为人妻为人母就会被社会边缘化,如果她为人妻为人母就会承受成为完美的妻子和母亲的巨大压力。Some of the men took their wives along.有些男士把自己的太太也带去了。This is one of many long-standing old wives' tales about cats.这是许多流传已久的有关猫的无稽之谈之一。




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