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词汇 witty
例句 He is, by nature, a joker, a witty man with a sense of fun.他天性是个爱开玩笑的人,说话诙谐,很有幽默感。He was witty and very charming.他既风趣又很有魅力。Neil was urbane, witty, direct, and honest.尼尔温文尔雅,幽默机智,坦率诚实。He was witty, amusing and gifted with a sharp business brain.他机智诙谐,具有敏锐的商业头脑。Alcohol gives some people the illusion of being witty and confident.酒精会使一些人误以为自己既聪明又自信。It's a delightfully witty and perceptive description.这是一种令人愉快、巧妙而又富有洞察力的描述。It was a witty and diverting programme.这是个妙趣横生的娱乐节目。I couldn't come up with a witty retort.我想不出机智的话进行反驳。The dinner was a riotous affair enlivened by superbly witty speeches.宴会因为一些非常诙谐的讲话而气氛活跃,热闹非凡。She was witty and charming and quickly managed to endear herself to her future mother-in-law.她说话风趣,又很可爱,一下子就讨得了未来婆婆的欢心。He was a witty writer with knobs on.他尤其是个富有机智的作家。Sam is intelligent, witty, and great fun to be with.萨姆聪明风趣,跟他在一起很有意思。She tried to think of something original and witty to say.她试图想出些新奇而且风趣的话来说。The book is witty and peppered with good one-liners.这本书诙谐幽默,妙语趣话随处可见。She gave a witty, entertaining, and articulate speech.她的演讲机智幽默、引人入胜、鞭辟入里。Jane's very witty and very quick.简非常机智,反应敏捷。She gibed at him, but he returned with a witty sally.她用话刺他,他却回了她一句聪明的俏皮话。He's always making witty remarks.他说话总是很诙谐。Her music is witty, ironic, and allusive.她的音乐作品诙谐、讽刺,富含典故。He is dryly witty, erudite, and gallant.他充满冷幽默、博学多识并且风度翩翩。Her reports were often laced with witty humor.她的报告常带着几分风趣幽默。I don't need your witty comments, thank you very much.我不需要你的高见,多谢了。They were very intellectual and witty.他们才思敏捷,风趣诙谐。His plays were very good, very witty.他的剧作非常精彩,妙趣横生。The actor's witty adlibs flavoured the whole performance.那演员即兴插入的诙谐台词给整个演出增添了风趣。He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us.他机智风趣,鼓舞激励着我们所有人。As a lecturer, she is fluent, witty, but also scholarly.作为一位讲演者,她熟练自如,聪明机智,而且具有学者风度。The book is salted with witty anecdotes. 这本书里有许多趣闻轶事。He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort.在他们的辩论中他那一句机智的反驳击中了要害。He considered himself a master of witty banter.他认为自己是风趣幽默的玩笑大王。The author extracts the maximum from every carefully-crafted scene in this witty tale.作者从这个妙趣横生的故事的每一个精心构思的情节中都摘录了尽可能多的内容。The two comedians engaged in witty repartee.这两名喜剧演员应答机敏。He is very good at making witty rejoinders.他很善于作机智的答辩。It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years.从他们风趣的亲昵言行很容易看出,他们已是多年的好友。His speech was leavened by a few witty stories.他的讲演因为几个妙趣横生的故事而变得活跃起来。Oscar Wilde was famous for his witty wordplay.奥斯卡·王尔德以其诙谐机智的语言而闻名。Aunt Clara had been so sharp, so witty, but now she is just a sad, confused old woman.克拉拉姨妈以前那么精明、那么机智,可现在她却只是个闷闷不乐、糊里糊涂的老太太。It was a witty, racy story with surprisingly serious undertones.这是一个诙谐却寓意深刻的荤段子。I enjoyed the play - it had a clever plot and a very witty script.我喜欢这部戏,它情节巧妙,对话非常风趣。The dinner was often a riotous affair enlivened by superbly witty speeches.宴会常常会因为一些非常诙谐的讲话而气氛活跃,热闹非凡。




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