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词汇 with delight
例句 Her eyes shone with delight.她眼里洋溢着喜悦。Robin laughed with delight as the birthday cake was carried in.罗宾看到生日蛋糕拿进来时开心地笑了。He whooped with delight.他开心得呼喊起来。His eyes were gleaming with delight.他的眼中流露出愉悦的神情。He crowed with delight when he won the contest.他比赛获胜时高兴得欢呼起来。The Russian soldiers sampled the officers' rations and wolfed the superior food with delight.俄军士兵尝了一下长官的配给食物,然后高高兴兴地把那些高级食物一扫而光。They all tumbled into the water, squealing with delight.他们都一窝蜂地走到水里,开心地尖叫着。He was giddy with delight.他高兴得不得了。The baby gurgled with delight.婴儿高兴得咯咯笑。The birds were flying about and twittering with delight.鸟轻快地吱吱喳喳叫着,在空中飞来飞去。They shouted with delight.他们兴高采烈地叫起来。She exclaimed with delight at the sight of the presents.看到礼物她高兴地叫了起来。She was crowing with delight.她高兴得欢呼起来。Investors watched with delight as stock prices rose.由于股价上涨,投资者都在欣喜地关注着。The children chortled with delight at his joke.他的笑话逗得孩子们哈哈大笑。The children squirmed with delight.孩子们高兴地扭来扭去。Joe, Pink, and Booker howled with delight.乔、平克和布克愉快地大笑起来。The kids were screaming with delight.孩子们在高兴地尖叫。She chortled with delight.她高兴得咯咯笑。The news/announcement of our victory was greeted with delight.听到我们胜利的消息/公告,大家都很开心。I could hear the girls squealing with delight.我能听到女孩们高兴地大声叫着。The boy cackled with delight.男孩高兴得格格地笑。Weariness was balanced with delight.用赏心乐事来弥补厌倦。The girl squealed with delight.姑娘高兴得大声尖叫。She squeaked with delight.她高兴得尖叫起来。He guffawed with delight when he heard the news.他听到这个消息高兴得哈哈大笑。The puppies wiggled with delight.小狗们高兴地摆动著。Her eyes glittered with delight.她眼里闪着喜悦之色。Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me.珍妮弗高兴地尖叫起来,然后拥抱了我。The children giggled with delight.孩子们高兴地咯咯直笑。We watched the fireworks with delight.我们兴高采烈地观赏焰火。Andrew roared with delight.安德鲁高兴地大笑起来。His sunken eyes glistened with delight.他凹陷的眼睛闪现出喜悦的光芒。The children squealed with delight.孩子们高兴得尖叫起来。Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby.安德鲁听到雷切尔给婴儿起的绰号时,不禁高兴得大笑起来。The children were yelling with delight.孩子们高兴地大喊大叫。She took praise with delight, and laughed off any criticisms with good humour.对于表扬,她愉快地接受;对于批评她不会生气,只是一笑置之。Small, giddy children point and whoop with delight at the confectionery.兴奋异常的小孩子们指着甜食店欢呼起来。Jamie's eyes grew round with delight.杰米高兴得眼睛睁得圆圆的。The winner bounced up and down with delight.获胜者高兴得上蹦下跳。




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