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词汇 winners
例句 She gushed with praise for the winners.她对优胜者的称赞滔滔不绝。Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers.对胜者表示祝贺,对失败者表示同情。Barcelona look likely winners of the League.巴塞罗那队看来很有可能成为联赛冠军。The losers are eliminated, and the winners go on to the next round.失败方被淘汰出局,获胜方进入下一轮比赛。We had to leave before the announcement of the winners. 还没等到宣布获胜者名单,我们就不得不离开了。The last five winners will be named next Tuesday.下周二将宣布最后五名获胜者。The winners are ranked in order of merit.获胜者按照成绩排序。The winners are as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.获胜者如下:伍兹,史密斯和卡西迪。The winners will be announced at the annual awards banquet.获胜者将会在年度颁奖宴会上宣布。Prizes were presented to the winners.奖品颁发给了获胜者。Etiquette requires that winners make a speech.从礼节上说,获胜者应该发表获胜感言。But it has backed a couple notable winners.但它支持了几家值得注意的成功企业。The winners will indulge themselves at a luxury hotel.获胜者将在一家豪华酒店尽情享受一番。They'll meet the winners of the first round tie.他们将迎战第一轮淘汰赛中的胜者。The Dukes were the eventual winners of the competition.此次比赛的最终胜利者是杜克一家。A list of prize winners will appear in net week's issue.获奖名单将在下周的一期刊登。The headteacher posted up a list of prize winners.校长张贴出了一张获奖者的名单。The winners were chosen by a panel of judges.获胜者是由裁判小组选出的。In the event of there being more winners than prizes, there will be a draw.倘若赢家比奖品多,那就进行抽签。Two Nobel Prize winners round out the distinguished staff.两位诺贝尔奖得主在工作岗位上均表现杰出。Divisional winners meet in the final to decide the pennant.小组优胜者在决赛中相遇并最终决出锦标得主。I'd like to congratulate all our entrants, the winners and the losers.我要祝贺我们所有的参赛者,不管是赢的还是输的。He read out the names of all the winners.他大声宣读所有获胜者的名字。She numbers among her friends three Nobel Prize winners. = She numbers three Nobel Prize winners among her friends. 她的朋友中有三个是诺贝尔奖得主。Without struggle there can be no progress, and struggle presupposes winners and losers.没有斗争就没有进步,有斗争就必有胜负。There is great anticipation over who the winners will be.大家都急切期盼着看谁会赢。The winners will receive their medals shortly.获胜者将很快得到奖牌。The groups also play off in a knock out draw with the winners of each of these groups being promoted.这些组也要加打淘汰赛,而各组胜出的队得以晋级。Consolidation in any business throws up winners and losers, and the car industry is no exception.所有商业合并都会产生赢家和输家,汽车产业也不例外。They will try to sift out the winners and the losers.他们将努力选出胜方和败方。The winners were announced in reverse order.获胜者名单按从后向前的顺序公布。The winners were called in reverse from last place to first place.获胜者是从最末一名到第一名按反向顺序宣布的。They were deserving winners.他们理应获胜。There have been three winners from his stable this season.他已经有三匹赛马在本赛季获胜。The championship prize-winners made a brave sight as they entered the main arena.锦标赛的获奖者们进入主赛场时场面十分壮观。The real winners of the election, he said, were the Hungarian people.他说,选举的真正赢家是匈牙利人民。The winners will be notified by post.获奖者将邮寄通知。We were eager to hear the announcement of the winners of the race.我们急于听到赛跑优胜者名单的宣布。The award-winners were preening backstage.获奖者们在后台得意扬扬。The jury is selected from the winners in previous years.评委会是从往年的优胜者中选出来的。




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