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词汇 windshield
例句 The windshield wipers are out of phase now.挡水玻璃刮水器现在动作不协调。It was so cold this morning I had to scrape the ice off my windshield.今天早晨太冷了,我不得不把挡风玻璃上的冰刮掉。There's a chip on the windshield where a stone hit it.挡风玻璃上有个缺口,是石头打的。A rock bounced off the road and hit our car's windshield.石块从路面弹起,砸在了我们汽车的挡风玻璃上。The windshield of my car frosted over during the night.我汽车上的挡风玻璃在夜里结上了霜花。The car crashed into a tree and the driver was catapulted through the windshield.汽车撞到了树上,司机被抛出了挡风玻璃。A bug splatted on the windshield.一只虫子啪嗒一声撞在了挡风玻璃上。I drove slowly, wipers licking at the windshield.我缓慢地开车,刮水器在挡风玻璃上急速摆动着。The reflection of the sun on the windshield was blinding.汽车挡风玻璃上的太阳反光令人目眩。The head-on collision catapulted him through the windshield.迎头的猛撞把他抛出挡风玻璃的外面。A big bug splattered against the windshield of the car.一只大虫子撞到汽车的挡风玻璃上摔烂了。A rock struck the windshield with a glancing blow. 一块石头碰到挡风玻璃上又弹开了。The car had a damaged windshield.这辆车的挡风玻璃坏了。A sniper's bullet pierced his windshield and hit him in the eye.一名狙击手的子弹穿过挡风玻璃,击中了他的眼睛。There was an accretion of ice on the car's windshield.汽车的挡风玻璃上结了一层冰。He chipped away the ice from the car's windshield.他把冰从车的挡风玻璃上敲下来。A stone hit the windshield and cracked it.一块石头打到挡风玻璃上使玻璃破裂了。After the car was washed, they gave the windshield a quick rub with a dry cloth.洗完车后,他们迅速用干布把挡风玻璃擦干。There is a crack in the mirror/windshield/glass.镜子/挡风玻璃/玻璃上有条裂纹。The front windshield was misting over.前面的挡风玻璃上蒙着一层雾。It is dangerous to drive with a dirty windshield.开一辆挡风玻璃脏了的车子是危险的。Sherman sat hunched forward and staring through the windshield, trying to concentrate on the traffic.舍曼弓着背坐着,眼睛通过挡风玻璃盯着前方,专心地注意着行驶的车辆。They were as warm as pie behind their plastic windshield.在塑料挡风玻璃后面他们很暖和。They drove home with their windshield wipers going whoosh whoosh.他们驱车回家,一路上挡风玻璃上的雨刮器不停地呼呼刮着。He's been driving around with a cracked windshield for months.他几个月来一直开着挡风玻璃破裂的车到处跑。She could see her face reflected in the car's windshield.她看到自己的脸映照在汽车的挡风玻璃上。He brushed the snow off the windshield.他刮掉了挡风玻璃上的雪。The windshield wipers clacked back and forth.挡风玻璃上的雨刷咔嗒咔嗒来回摆动。There was a parking ticket under the windshield wiper.汽车挡风玻璃刮水器下有一张违章停车罚单。He watched as the windshield wipers swished back and forth.他看着雨雪刷唰唰地刮来刮去。The car stopped suddenly and I was catapulted through the windshield.汽车突然停下,我被抛出挡风玻璃的外面。




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