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词汇 wind
例句 The wind was very fierce.风刮得非常猛烈。A gust of wind caught the parachute.一阵强风吹动着降落伞。The prevailing wind in this region is from the east. 这一地区常刮东风。The wind howled through the trees.风呜呜作响地刮过树林。It's getting late so let's wind things up.天色渐晚,我们就到这儿吧。He was aware of the wind in his face.他觉察到有风吹到他脸上。A terrific east wind swept away the groups of clouds.猛烈的东风扫除了盘据在天空里的乌云。The rain remained steady though the wind had died down.尽管风势已经减弱,雨还是下个不停。The wind southed about sundown.日落时分,风向转南。The rain beat against her face as she struggled through the wind.她在风雨中艰难行进,雨水打在她的脸上。She said she suffered from wind.她说她有肠胃气胀的毛病。A tail wind made the ride home very relaxing.顺风使骑车回家格外轻松。A blast of wind blew my hat off.一阵风吹走了我的帽子。I could hear the wind chimes hanging in the window.我可以听到挂在窗口的风铃发出的响声。She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.她听到风吹过树丛发出怪异而可怕的呼啸声。The wind sighed through the trees.风在林间呼啸。As the storm moves into the desert, the wind and rain start to kick up.当风暴移动到沙漠时,风雨开始变得更剧烈了。Flags danced in the wind.旗帜在风中飘舞著。A slight wind rippled the crops in the valley.一阵微风吹过,山谷里的庄稼便随风起伏。When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days just to wind down.他去度假时,开始的几天只是放松放松。The wind swept the lake into whitecaps.风吹湖水泛白浪。With the wind rushing through her hair she felt intensely alive.风吹着她的头发,她感到活力充沛。A violent wind plucked the sails to bits.一阵狂风把船帆撕成了碎片。Our last trip involved a coastal passage, tacking east against wind and current.我们上次旅行时曾经沿着海岸,逆着风浪向东曲折航行。Leaves scuttled along the streets in the cold wind.寒风把树叶吹得沿街乱飞。Outside they fastened their coats against the bitter wind.在户外,他们扣紧外套以抵御寒风。I like garlic but it gives me terrible wind.我爱吃大蒜,但吃了肚子胀气很厉害。The seeds are spread by wind, birds, and animals.种子是靠风、鸟及动物传播的。A gust of wind blew snow in her face.一阵狂风把雪吹打在她的脸上。We'll have to wait until the wind/storm/rain subsides.我们不得不等到风/暴风雨/雨渐渐变小。The distortion of the trees was caused by the strong wind.树被大风刮得变了形。There was a sudden gust of wind and the candles blew out.突然刮起一阵风,把蜡烛吹灭了。The tower proved to be unstable in a high wind.那塔楼后来证明是经不起强风的。The wind has played the mischief with my papers.风把我的文件吹得乱七八糟。A gust of wind plunged him off the ridge.一阵狂风把他从山脊上刮了下去。Both sides were troubled throughout by a capricious wind.双方一直在为风向飘忽不定而苦恼。Llewelyn's stallion shied as the wind sent sparks flying.风一吹来,火星四溅,卢埃林的种马惊跳起来。Once you've got your second wind it'll be easier.等你缓过劲儿事情就会容易些。The wind swayed the branches of the trees.树枝在风中摇曳。I haven't even begun to think about quitting, or having a last hurrah, or allowing my career to wind down.不论是突然退出、来个告别演出,还是逐渐淡出,我甚至完全都没有考虑过。




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