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词汇 boat
例句 Could she really see a boat, or was it just a trick of the light?她真的看到一条船,还是灯光造成的错觉?The boat got swept away in/by the tide.船被潮水卷走了。The fishermen bailed water from their sinking boat.渔人们从正在下沉的船里把水舀出。The boat leaped and lurched worse than any restive horse.船忽上忽下地剧烈颠簸,比最不听话的烈马还要难驾驭。The sea got very rough and the boat capsized.海上波涛汹涌,小船翻了。We descried the little boat two miles away.我们望见两英里外的小船。He did a workmanlike job on the boat.他是个手艺娴熟的船工。The boat struck the bottom.这条船碰到了水底。The boat is propelled by a powerful outboard motor.这船是由一个强大的舷外发动机推进的。The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.那艘船立即倾斜,进水沉没。He rowed with a powerful stroke and the boat leapt forward.他用力划了一下,船就飞快地向前窜去。The police has his boat staked out.警察把他的船监视了起来。He paddled a few more strokes and the nose of the boat ran on to the beach.他又划了几桨,船头便搁到海滩上了。They nosed the boat into the river.他们先把船头推入河中。She went sprawling across the boat.她四脚朝天摔倒在船上。We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat.我们乘船外出时就已发现暴风雨要来了。They were thrown sideways by the pitch of the boat.他们被船的颠簸抛到了一边。He leaned perilously over the edge of the boat.他斜靠在船边,很危险。My parents met in New York when my father was fresh off the boat from Italy.我父亲从意大利刚到纽约时认识了我母亲。The men on the quivering, battered boat were mad with terror.那艘摇摇晃晃的破旧小船上的人害怕得发疯了。Where did you learn to sail a boat?你在哪儿学会开船的?It took an age for us all to get on the boat.我们花了很长时间才全部上了船。Have you seen the new boat? It's a dandy. 你看到那艘新船了吗?漂亮极了。The boat trawled far out at sea.船在离岸很远的地方用拖网捕鱼。The boat was moored at the narrow wooden jetty.那条船在那处狭窄的木码头边停泊。He hitched to Dover and went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep.他沿途免费搭车到了多佛尔,上了一条船想找个睡觉的地方。The boat nearly sank under the increased weight.船的载重增加后,几乎要沉下去。They really pushed the boat out for their daughters wedding.他们办理女儿的婚礼确实排场热闹。The boat surged forwards as he slackened the rope.他松开缆绳,小船起伏着向前驶去。It's such a nice day - how about going on a boat trip?今天天气很好,我们去乘船旅行好吗?I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!我只是对独坐孤舟无所事事感兴趣。We skimmed across the water in a small boat.我们乘小船掠过水面。The boat was pitching up and down in the rough waters.船在波涛汹涌的水中上下颠簸。Eric held the boat steady while the children got in.孩子们上船时,埃里克把船扶稳。When the boat reached Cape Town, we said a temporary goodbye.客轮到达开普敦时,我们暂时分别。The boat has bottomed twice on this shallow stretch.这艘船在这条浅水道上搁浅两次。They shouldered the boat and took it down to the river.他们把船扛在肩上抬到河里。The boat was built to withstand every weather condition.这艘船可以应对任何天气情况。They'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father's boat.他们已经开车沿码头走了一遍,好让她指出哪艘是她父亲的船。I could see the fishing boat to starboard.我能看到右侧的那艘渔船。




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