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词汇 widow
例句 They all chipped in for the benefit of Simpson's widow and little child.他们大家凑钱帮助辛普森的遗孀和小孩。Everyone joked that she was a golf widow. 大家都笑她是高尔夫球寡妇。She, as a golf widow, had to remind him that he had a wife.她作为一个成天打高尔夫球丈夫的妻子,不得不提醒他,他还有个妻子。He hadn't been dead five minutes before those vultures from the media were after his widow.他死了还没五分钟,那些媒体的人就趁火打劫,缠着他的遗孀不放。Linda leant out of the widow and shouted out my name.琳达把身子探出窗外,大声喊我的名字。She's been a golf widow since she gave her husband his first set of clubs.自从她送给丈夫第一套高尔夫球杆起,她就守起了活寡。The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends.今天受害者的遗孀得到了亲朋好友的慰问。The widow still treasured the blanket from her husband.那寡妇还珍藏着她丈夫留下的毯子。The poor widow was stuck with her husband's debts.那可怜的寡妇承担死去丈夫的债务。The widow mourned for her dead mate.那寡妇为她已故的丈夫服丧。The widow reminisced about her dead husband.寡妇怀念死去的丈夫。The widow was in distress.那个寡妇十分贫困。His widow has taken over the running of his media empire.他的遗孀已接手管理他的传媒帝国。It really connected when she talked about how hard it was being a widow.她说到一个寡妇的生活是多么艰难时,话语里着实意味深长。A widow lives in the house just across the road.一个寡妇就住在马路对面的房子里。The grief-stricken widow refused to leave her dead husband's side.那遗孀悲痛欲绝,不忍离开死去的丈夫的身旁。He is survived by his widow Sonia and his son Ian.他死后留下了遗孀索尼娅和儿子伊恩。He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.他有个贪财的计划,想娶个有钱的寡妇。His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life.他的寡妻孤寂地度过了余生。Mr Jarvis died yesterday, leaving a widow and four children.贾维斯先生昨天去世了,留下了一个寡妇和四个孩子。Fate foredoomed her to be a widow.她命中注定要成寡妇。She was a widow with three grown-up children.她是个寡妇,有三个成年子女。We've got a letter from a war widow who claims she's been done out of her pension.我们收到了一位阵亡军人遗孀的来信,她声称被剥夺了抚恤金。The court decided the widow could keep the property.法院判决那寡妇可以保有这份财产。By a cunning trick he became heir of the rich widow.他策划了一个狡猾的计谋,成了这有钱寡妇的继承人。His widow was dressed in mourning.他的遗孀身着丧服。She's a widow.她是个寡妇。The widow lamented the death of her only child.寡妇为她独生子的死而悲痛。Mourners at the funeral included Paul's widow, Sarah Jones.葬礼上的送葬者中包括保罗的遗孀萨拉·琼斯。He leaves a widow and two children.他留下了孤儿寡母三人。I finally got fed up with being a golf widow and decided to find a hobby of my own.先生成天打高尔夫,留下我独守空房,最后我受够了,决定要找个自己的爱好。The widow lodged college students in her home.那寡妇出租家里的房间给大学生居住。The widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure.寡妇失声痛哭,但她的女儿都保持着冷静。His savings had been left to his widow.他的存款留给了他的遗孀。The black widow spider has red-orange markings on its body.黑寡妇蜘蛛身上有橘红色的花纹。After the funeral, foreign ambassadors lined up to offer their condolences to the widow of the late president.丧礼结束以后,各国大使列队向已故总统的遗孀致哀。There once was/lived a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter.从前有一个穷寡妇,她有个漂亮的女儿。The widow returned to the land of the living by accepting an invitation to our party.那位寡妇接受我们请她参加晚会的邀请,从而恢复了同外界的接触。Mrs Jackson, a widow who kept herself to herself, lived in the flat above.杰克逊太太是个离群索居的寡妇,她住在上面的套房里。




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