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词汇 widened
例句 The police have widened their dragnet in their search for the killer.警方已经把搜捕杀手的网张大了。The road gradually widened until we found ourselves in a large valley.路渐渐宽了起来,最后我们走进了一个大的山谷。During the Second World War, industrial wage differentials in Britain widened.第二次世界大战期间,英国的劳工工资级差拉大了。His eyes widened in shocked disbelief.他眼睛瞪得大大的,简直不敢相信。The scope of the investigation has widened.调查的范围已经扩大。Clearer policies might have widened our lead in the polls.更清晰的政策可能会扩大我们在民意调查中的领先优势。The entrance has been widened to give improved access for disabled people.入口已加宽了,方便残疾人士进去。The gap between the rich and the poor has widened.贫富之间的差距扩大了。The search for my brother widened.对我弟弟的搜索范围扩大了。The track widened as it met the road.小路在和公路相交的地方变宽了。America's trade gap widened.美国的贸易逆差加大了。The gap between the rich and poor regions widened.富饶和贫困地区之间的差距扩大了。His eyes widened as he spoke the words.他说这番话时眼睛瞪大了。His arguments widened my ideas.他提出的论点开阔了我的思路。His mouth widened to a smile.他咧开嘴笑了。The range of university courses available has widened tremendously in recent years.大学课程种类近年来已大幅度增加。The gap between rich and poor widened.贫富差距扩大了。Her eyes widened in surprise.她吃惊地瞪大眼睛。Her eyes widened in pretended astonishment.她眼睛瞪得大大的,假装很吃惊。The conflict widened into a full-fledged war.冲突演变为一场全面战争。She widened the margins so her essay would look longer.她把页边放宽,使论文显得长一些。The happiness widened within me.我内心越来越快乐。The road widened again when we came out of the tunnel.我们出了隧道之后,道路又变宽了。The team widened their lead in the fifth inning.这支队在第五局扩大了领先优势。The road is being widened to keep traffic moving.为保持交通畅达,道路正在进行拓宽。Stephan's animated eyes widened at the mention of Patricia.提到帕特里夏,斯蒂芬就睁大了一双生动的眼睛。Terry's eyes widened in pretended surprise.特丽的眼睛瞪得大大的,装出一副惊讶的样子。Recently the divide between the two sides has widened.近来两派之间的分歧在扩大。Occasionally the channel widened then closed up tight again.航道时而宽,时而窄。I have widened my circle of friends.我扩大了交友圈。His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to tremble all over.他嘴唇发干,眼睛圆睁,全身开始颤抖起来。Meg's eyes widened in admiration.梅格羡慕地睁大了双眼。The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision in the European Union has widened.欧盟最好和最差的儿童保育服务之间的差距扩大了。Other factors widened the gulf that separated rich from poor.其他因素加大了贫富差距。The gap between rich and poor has widened considerably.贫富之间的差距拉开得相当大了。The gap between the incomes of two-carer families and lone mothers with children has widened.双职工家庭与有子女的独身妈妈家庭之间的收入差距扩大了。Since my children have started school, my circle has widened to include the mothers of other kids.自从孩子们上学以后,我的朋友圈子也扩大了,又认识了一些其他孩子的母亲。Jasmine's eyes widened with disbelief.贾丝明怀疑地睁大双眼。His circle of trust has never widened to include more than one or two men.他信赖的人从未超过一两个。The tunnels have been widened and deepened.各条隧道都已拓宽加深。




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