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例句 Her informal manner seemed wholly/entirely inappropriate to/for the occasion.她的随意举止似乎完全不适宜这种场合。He modulated his voice to such a degree that what he said seemed wholly confidential.他把声音压得极低,似乎他讲的全是绝密消息。The differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.孩子成绩的差异不能完全从社会背景来解释。The city council's proposals are wholly unacceptable.市政委员会的提议令人完全不能接受。This is a wholly new approach.这是一个全新的方法。That's wholly immaterial to me.对我来说那根本无足轻重。The claim is wholly without merit.这项要求毫无根据。There are jerky passages, not wholly within the author's control.有些段落文体变化突兀,多少不大听命于作者的笔了。Her advice has frequently been less than wholly helpful.她的建议往往毫无帮助。It's not like him to put forward suggestions wholly void of sense.他才不会提毫无见识的建议呢。She seemed wholly insensible of the honour done to her.她似乎对加在她头上的荣誉完全无动于衷。The report claimed that the disaster was wholly unavoidable.报告称这场灾难完全无法避免。Millions of people were rendered partially or wholly destitute during the war.战争期间,数以百万计的人民都沦落到啼饥号寒或一贫如洗的地步。Your report last week was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.你上周的报告基于毫无根据且完全无端的指控。In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.在我看来,这个决定是完全合理的。The plan to build the road through the forest is wholly misconceived.穿过森林修建一条路的设想是完全错误的。The land is dry and wholly dependent on irrigation.土地干旱,完全靠灌溉。Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.你上周的报告是不公平的。它是基于毫无根据且完全无端的指控。Past experience may be useful or it may be wholly inapposite.以往的经验可能有用,也可能完全不适合。He is not wholly to blame for the accident.这次事故不能全怪他。An infant is wholly dependent on its mother.婴儿完全依赖母亲。The company isn't wholly to blame for the snafu.出现这样的混乱局面,不该完全怪这家公司。The accusation is wholly without foundation.这项指控完全没有依据。The evidence we have is not wholly reliable.我们手头的证据并不完全可信。The accusation is wholly without foundation.这项指控毫无根据。The government is not wholly to blame for the current crisis.当前的危机不能完全归罪于政府。She didn't wholly trust him.她不完全信任他。Help came from a wholly unexpected source.支援的来源完全意想不到。Most people would consider such risks wholly unacceptable.大多数人会认为这样的风险完全不能接受。This wholly unexpected turn is injecting new life into the Tories.这个完全出乎意料的转折给保守党增添新的活力。The insurance premium is wholly irrecoverable.保险费是完全不可取回的。His story is wholly fictitious.他的话全是编造的。Their anxieties were not wholly eased.他们的焦虑没有完全消除。Management initially put forward a number of proposals which were wholly unacceptable to the union.资方最初提出了几项工会根本无法接受的建议。Our Intelligence Service was untrained, cumbersome, and almost wholly ineffectual.我们的情报机构缺乏训练,体制臃肿,简直毫无用处。Unhappily, the facts do not wholly bear out the theory.令人遗憾的是,这些事实并不能充分证明该理论。Some philosophic systems lost their vitality and became wholly congealed.有些哲学体系失去了生命力,变得完全僵化了。His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion.他在这么严肃的场合中说这样的话完全不恰当。It became wholly indifferent to me whether we remained in this house or not.对我来说,是否继续待在这个房子里已经完全无关紧要了。His mind was wholly taken up with the question.他满脑子都在想这个问题。




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