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词汇 whole country
例句 You can receive broadband over virtually the whole country.几乎整个国家都能接收到宽带传输信号。The whole country seems to be in the grip of football fever.全国似乎都陷入了对足球的狂热中。You're doing it in the interests of national unity and the whole country will be in your debt.你为了国家的团结而这样做,全国人民将会感激你。The players have been drawn from the whole country.运动员是从全国选拔出来的。The strike threw the whole country into disorder.罢工使全国陷入混乱之中。He planned to tramp the whole country.他计划徒步走遍全国。The whole country seems to be affected by the ennui of winter.冬天的倦怠似乎影响着整个国家。He has the whole country at his back.他有全国人民作后盾。The whole country was in the grip of election fever.全国掀起了选举热潮。The whole country was up, ready to fight terrorists.全国上下都已动员起来,准备打击恐怖分子。The violent revolution upturned the whole country.这场暴力革命使整个国家天翻地覆。The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.几个月来,整个国家一直处于政治动荡状态。His power extends over the whole country.他的势力扩大到全国。The whole country exploded in jubilation at the overthrow of the dictator.推翻了独裁者之后,举国欢腾。The village is a microcosm of the whole country.这个村庄是整个国家的缩影。The whole country bleeds for the dead heroes.举国悼念死难烈士。The radio station agreed to beam the president's speech to the whole country.广播电台同意将总统的演说向全国播送。It seems the whole country is getting ready to welcome the visiting president.似乎整个国家都在为欢迎来访的总统作准备。The whole country is threatened with starvation.全国面临着饥饿的威胁。Their romance captivated the whole country.他们的浪漫故事风靡全国。The whole country bristled with indignation.举国上下义愤填膺。The news about the war ending swept through the whole country.战争结束的消息很快传遍了全国。The whole country is in a state of paralysis.全国都处于瘫痪状态中。The crisis of war united the whole country.战争的危机使全国团结起来。The scandal titillated the whole country.丑闻传出,举国哗然。The whole country celebrated the signing of the peace treaty.全国人民庆祝和平条约的签订。The whole country was reduced after three months.整个国家三个月后沦陷。The trade union decided to strike the whole country.工会决定在全国举行大罢工。A nuclear bomb could wipe the whole country off the map.一枚核弹可以毁掉整个国家。The whole country was overshadowed at the news of President Lincoln's death.林肯总统去世的消息给全国蒙上了阴影。When the winter Olympics came to Canada, the whole country was flying high.当加拿大成为冬奥会的主办国时,整个国家都兴奋极了。The whole country is penetrated with discontent.全国到处怨声载道。The whole country is in the grip of the severe weather conditions.全国都受到恶劣天气状况的影响。The dictator tyrannized over the whole country.独裁者对全国实行极权统治。The president's power extends to all parts of the whole country.总统的权力及至全国各个方面。When that great man died, the whole country keened him.当那位伟人去世的时候,举国为其恸哭。The little small-town banks were traditionally very frightened that Wall Street would come to dominate the whole country.偏狭守旧的小银行通常都很害怕华尔街会控制整个国家。The whole country had tried to efface the memory of the old dictatorship.整个国家都曾试图将那段独裁历史从记忆中抹去。People are getting really interested in the sport. The whole country is starting to catch the fever.现在人们开始真正对体育感兴趣了。全国正在掀起一股体育热。The whole country experienced a period of euphoria after winning the war.战争胜利以后的一段时期内,举国上下一片喜气洋洋。




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