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词汇 whole
例句 The whole city was plunged into darkness.整个城市陷入一片漆黑之中。I spent the whole afternoon canvassing voters.整个下午我都在游说选民。Their new cottage was the admiration of the whole village.他家新建的农舍是全村人羡慕的对象。The whole story was extremely far-fetched.这个故事极其牵强附会。She's agreed to help on Saturday, but I think I'd be pushing my luck if I asked her to be here the whole weekend.她同意周六来帮忙,不过我想我要是让她整个周末都来的话就是得寸进尺了。Nora had spent her whole life trying to find happiness.诺拉一生都在寻找幸福。I find the whole place really rather spooky.我觉得这整个地方真的有点儿瘆人。The change from long to short hair is symbolic of the woman's need for change in her whole life.一个女人把长发剪短就表示她想要改变生活。He tried to fit the pieces of evidence together to make a coherent whole.他试图将各项证据拼合成一个连贯的整体。There was something vaguely disturbing about the whole incident.整个事件让人略有不安。You need one whole head of lettuce for this salad.做这道色拉你需要一整棵生菜。The whole race will be broadcast live from Monza.整个比赛过程将在蒙扎进行实况转播。Why not have it out with your critic, discuss the whole thing face to face?为什么不和批评你的人讲个明白,面对面地把整件事情谈一谈呢?Tim's drinking has made him an embarrassment to the whole family.蒂姆的酗酒使他成了让全家难堪的人。When Max was fired from his job the whole family had to pack up and leave town.马克斯被开除后,全家人不得不收拾行李,离开城镇。She responded to the music with her whole being.她全身心陶醉在音乐中。The whole world holds its breath for this speech.整个世界都屏住呼吸等待这一讲话。Stretch the canvas so that it covers the whole frame.把帆布拉紧,让它盖住整个画框。The whole of Spain was jubilant.西班牙举国欢腾。The whole future of the company is at risk.这家公司的整个前途都处在危险之中。He knows more than the whole class put together.他知道的比全班人所知道的加起来还多。He did a great job on the whole.总而言之,他干得很出色。The whole third floor is furious.三楼全体住户怒不可遏。Changing the course of the river would cause serious environmental damage to the whole valley.河流改道会严重危害整个流域的环境。The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.文章对平等权利这个问题避重就轻。Nick was a pain in the neck. He did nothing but whinge the whole trip.尼克是个非常讨厌的家伙。一路上他除了不停地发牢骚就没干别的。Florists have access to a whole array of flowers.花店老板能搞到所有品种的鲜花。From the top of the hill you can survey the whole city.从山顶上你可以俯瞰整个城市。The hotel looked like a good investment, but it turned out that the whole thing was a put-up job.这个旅馆看上去像是个不错的投资,但后来发现整件事只是一个骗局。Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.齐达内已成为在法国出生、有着北非血统的年轻一代的典范。When the clock stopped, he took it apart, found what was wrong, and put the whole thing together again.钟停以后,他把它拆开,查出毛病所在,又把它重新组装了起来。That one delay has bollixed up my whole week.就那一次延误把我整个一周的事都搅乱了。In a flash of inspiration, I decided to paint the whole house white.我灵机一动,决定把整个房子刷成白色。Remember you're not just representing yourself but the whole school.记住,你不单单代表你自己,你还代表整个学校。It was a stressful time for the whole family.对全家人来说这是一段艰难时期。He's the joke of the whole town.他是全镇的笑柄。The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night.这匹狼用爪子挠着树,嚎叫了整晚。I made the whole trip on the pillion.我一路都坐在摩托车后座上。The whole street protested such police brutality.全街区的人都抗议警方这种野蛮行为。The doctor assured me that the whole procedure would only take a few minutes.医生向我保证整个手术仅需几分钟。




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