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词汇 Whoever
例句 Whoever gets the job will be responsible for the annual budget.得到这份工作的人要负责年度预算。Whoever else goes hungry, he won't.不管别的什么人挨饿,他不会。Whoever he marries, she'll have to get used to his friends.无论他娶谁,女方都得适应与他的朋友相处。Whoever sent those letters has a twisted mind.寄那些信的人心理不正常。Whoever left the gloves will probably come back for them tomorrow.忘了拿走手套的人明天可能会回来拿的。Ridiculous! Whoever suggested such a thing?荒唐!究竟是谁提出了这样的建议?Whoever wins this year is going to be famous for life.今年无论谁获胜都将名留青史。Whoever you send north has to have their wits about them.你无论派谁去北方,都要让他们保持警惕。Whoever does best will get the prize.谁干得最出色谁就得奖。Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the American taxpayer is bound to lose out in the end.无论是谁从政府的新计划中获益,最终吃亏的肯定都是美国的纳税人。Whoever she was, she sounded as if she was dying.那个不知道是谁的人,听起来她像要死了。Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn't need to jump?有谁听说过篮球运动员不需要跳跃的吗?Whoever this woman is, she's made of sterner stuff than I am.不管这个女人是谁,她都比我坚强。Whoever did this will sooner or later be caught and will be punished.不管是谁干的这事,早晚要被抓住并受到惩罚。Whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.所有相信上帝的人都会获得永生。Whoever is nominated today will go forward to the leadership elections.今天被提名的人都将参加领导人竞选。Whoever started the fire must be sick in the head.放火的人肯定是脑子有病。Whoever had taken the money had covered their tracks pretty well.偷钱的不管是谁,掩盖得都够巧妙的。Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be ashamed of themselves.把树连根拔起的那个人应当感到羞耻。Whoever planted the bomb showed a total disregard for the safety of the public.无论是谁放置的炸弹都是对公众安全的极端漠视。Whoever owned the house was clearly not expecting us.不论这房子的主人是谁,他显然没有料到我们要来。Whoever's fault the accident might have been, it certainly wasn't mine.事故的错不管是谁的,肯定不是我的。Whoever moves against us, we must make sure their plans come to naught.无论谁与我们作对,我们都要让他们的阴谋破产。Whoever strikes me shall be accursed.无论谁袭击我,必遭厄运。Whoever you ask, the answer is always the same.无论你问谁,得到的答案总是一样的。Whoever betrays his country shall be abased.谁背叛祖国谁就必遭唾弃。Whoever did him in removed a man who was brave as well as ruthless.无论谁杀了他,都是除掉了一个既勇猛又残忍的人。Whoever set the exam didn't seem to know the material very well.出考卷的人好像不太熟悉内容。Whoever is responsible for this will be punished.不管谁对此事负有责任都将受到惩罚。Whoever was responsible for this crime is a dangerous man.制造这起罪案的人,无论是谁,都是一位危险人物。Such a lovely girl! Whoever would want to kill her?多么可爱的女孩啊!究竟是谁要杀她呢?Whoever planned the party did a good/great job. 不管是谁策划的晚会,这件事儿做得漂亮。Whoever sent you these disgusting letters must be twisted.给你寄这些令人作呕的信的人,肯定是变态的。Whoever thought up that joke?.到底是谁想出的这个笑话?Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the real loser will be the American taxpayer.无论谁从政府的新计划中获益,真正吃亏的都将是美国的纳税人。Whoever you ask, you will get the same answer.你不管问谁,答案都一样。Whoever gets the post has a real job on their hands.不论谁得到这个职位都有很棘手的事要做。Whoever decides to take up the gauntlet and challenge the Prime Minister will have a tough battle.谁要是接受挑战,向首相叫板,都将经历一场鏖战。Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet…不管是谁赢得选举都将面对复苏经济的棘手任务。Whoever heard of a politician admitting he was wrong?有谁听说过政治家认错的吗?




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