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He whispered sweet nothings in her ear.他在她耳边低声说甜言蜜语。She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.她俯身过来和我耳语了几句。He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him.他这般低声耳语,只有朱莉听得见。The leaves whispered in the breeze.树叶在微风中沙沙作响。They whispered to each other and then the prosecution lawyer stood up.他们低声交流了一番后,控方律师站了起来。He whispered the message to David.他悄声把这个消息告诉了戴维。The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.上校低下头,低声做感恩祷告。She whispered, as though invoking the Devil.她低声咕哝着,好像在召唤恶魔。The car's tires whispered through the puddles.穿过水坑时汽车的轮胎发出呜呜声。She leaned over and whispered something in Peter's ear.她俯身对彼得讲了几句悄悄话。She whispered his name.她悄声说出了他的名字。Somebody whispered that films like that were illegal.一些人在窃窃私语,说那种电影是非法的。She made a joke about the food in a muttered/whispered aside to her husband.她低声跟她丈夫开了一个关于这些食物的玩笑。It is whispered that he intended to resign.人们私下说他打算辞职。She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.她俯过身去,贴着他的耳朵小声说了些什么。The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.这位上校低头轻声做感恩祈祷。He leaned towards his wife and whispered, "Can we go home soon?"他侧过身子轻声地问妻子:“我们快点回家好吗?”He whispered in/into my ear.他在我耳边低语。She whispered something to the girl beside her.她悄悄跟旁边的女孩说了些什么。She leaned over to her nearest neighbour and whispered something.她倾身向离她最近的人轻声说了些什么。The children whispered and giggled all the way through the film.看电影期间,孩子们一直在悄声说笑。She bent towards me and whispered in my ear.她向我俯过身来,在我耳边低语。She whispered a little prayer.她低声念了一句祷词。She whispered words of comfort in his ear.她在他耳边轻轻说了几句安慰的话。He bent towards me and whispered in my ear.他俯过身来在我耳边低声说话。She leaned over and whispered something to the girl next to her.她探过身对身旁的女孩低声说了些什么。He whispered something, but I couldn't hear it.他低声地说了些什么,可是我听不见。He whispered something in her ear.他在她耳边低语了几句。He whispered inaudibly to the person beside him.他对身旁的那个人用几乎听不见的低声轻语。He whispered the word to me.他低声跟我说了句话。The girls exchanged whispered confidences.女孩们小声地互诉知心话。He whispered the story to journalists, knowing that it would be bandied about.他悄声把这件事告诉了记者,心里知道这很快就会传播开的。She leaned over and whispered to the girl next to her.她探过身对身旁的女孩低声耳语。The story is being whispered everywhere.这件事正在到处暗暗传说。He whispered my name to newspapermen, knowing that it would be bandied about.他把我的名字悄声告诉了记者,明知道这会到处传开的。She whispered a silent prayer that her wounded brother would not die.她默默地祷告,希望她受伤的兄弟不会死去。The girl sitting next to me leaned over and whispered something in my ear.坐在我旁边的女孩侧过身来在我耳边低声说了些什么。He whispered sweet nothings in my ear.他在我耳边倾诉着情意绵绵的话。Fran leant over and whispered something in her sister's ear.弗兰弯下身子,贴着她妹妹的耳朵小声地说着什么。He whispered a few words of prayer.他低声说了几句祷词。 |